Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Clearing the Way for Restoration .
Isaiah 57:12-19.
"And shall say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the
stumbling block out of the way of my people." Isaiah 57:14.

Have you ever wondered why you are not able to go forward in your life- in
your relationships, your career, your spiritual life? Probably, there are
stumbling blocks you had created or put in your way. Perhaps, your
attitude, words, actions and your behavior have come in the way of your
development, growth and usefulness.
Here's a way how to clear the way to go forward and the way for restoration
of your relationships, and spiritual advancement. God's Word says that your
sins have come in between you and God and so He can't hear or respond to
your prayers nor cries for help. Also, your relationship with others is
affected by your sins. God wants us to confess our sins because confession
clears the way for spiritual renewal and restoration. As we verbally admit
that we have sinned, we prepare our hearts to be transformed by God's
grace. This confession can happen only by the conviction of the Holy Spirit
as the Lord Jesus foretold in John 16:8. That's why many people can't see
that they are sinners. They are proud that they are born in Christian
family (even if their parents are not truly born again!) and attend church
and do all religious rituals and traditions. Unless and until one comes to
God acknowledging his/her sinfulness, they will not repent and there is no
need for Savior or salvation.

Through His prophet Isaiah,the Lord called Israelits to do the same: 'I
will say, 'Rebuild the road! Clear away the rocks and stones so my people
can return from captivity... Ilive in that high and holy place with with
those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble and give
new courage to those with repentant hearts...I have seen what they do, but
I will them anyway!'" (Isaiah 57:14-15,18).

God desires to clear the way to a better future for His people. When we
come to Him in humility,admitting to ourselves and to others that we are
sinful and weak, God responds by healing us and restoring us so that we can
follow Him once again. Examine yourself to see what things are in the way
of your development and spiritual growth and confess them honestly and
clear them as much as in your hands and the rest God can do for you. If
necessary, hesitate not to seek counsel and encouragement from mature
believers and from the Word of God. Amen.

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