Thursday, July 19, 2012


" The Value of Faith in a Faithless World "

“When I, the Son of Man, return, how many will I find on earth who have faith?” Luke 18:8 (NLT)
If you have great faith, you will have great blessing. If you have a little faith, you will receive a little blessing. But if you have no faith, God's blessing will not be in your life.
We live in an increasingly faithless world.
It is a secular world of shifting values and growing egocentrism.
If Jesus came back today, how many people of faith would he find?
And would you be one of them?
The Bible makes it very clear that God is looking for faithful people.
In 2 Chronicles 16:9 it says, “For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them” (LB).
God is seeking faithful people because he wants to bless them.
He wants to show his love through his great power.
Our faithfulness is the key to unlocking his blessing in our lives.
Jesus said, “According to your faith will it be done to you”
(Matthew 9:29 NIV).
God wants to pour blessings into all areas of your life –
in your family, in your career, in your finances, in your health,
in your relationships – but he will do it according to the level of your faith.
If you have great faith, you will have great blessing.
If you have a little faith, you will receive a little blessing.
But if you have no faith, God’s blessing will not be in your life.
Sadly, faithful people who really trust God and live for Christ day in
and day out are hard to find.
The Bible says, “Everyone talks about how loyal and faithful he is, but just try to find someone who really is” (Proverbs 20:6 TEV).
Psalm 53 says, “God looks down from heaven at people to see if there are any who are wise, any who worship him. But they have all turned away; they are all equally bad. Not one of them does what is right, not a single one” (vv.2-3 TEV).
When sin entered the world with Adam and Eve, we were all corrupted.
None of us do what is right all the time.
But faith is the key to victory.
The greater our faith, the more victory we will experience in our lives.
“Every child of God can defeat the world, and it is our faith that gives
us the victory …” (1 John 5:4-5 CEV).

Dearest Abba, Father, today my heart says of You, "Seek His face!" Your face, LORD GOD, I will always seek.
I will always keep my hope in You alone. My lips will always utter words of gratitude toward You because you are a shield around me,
O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.

Father, help my thoughts, words, and actions be aligned with Your perfect will so that I may always be at peace and my life be productive.
Help me to make my top most priority to be to please You at all times and then You will make even my worst enemies to be at peace
with me and they themselves will go out of their way to help me achieve my goals.

Guard me and keep me in Your perfect and constant peace as my mind is totally focused on You. Abba,
I commit myself fully unto You, lean on You and hope confidently in You.
Draw me away to Yourself and whisper Your love to me.

O my Father, strengthen my faith in Your Fatherly tender love and kindness and compassion ,
so that when I feel sinful, dirty or troubled ,I may not be afraid to come to You for your forgiveness and comfort.

Who do I have except You who would accept me with all my imperfections and shortcomings?
You alone know my needs even before I ever ask.

I fully trust that You will never let any of my prayers go unblessed.
Abba, Your watchful eyes are always on me because You know that I cannot survive even a moment without Your help.

Let the infinite Fatherliness of Your loving heart be the strength of my life from now and forevermore.
Through the grace of Jesus Messiah, the lover of my soul, I pray. Amen,



" Joyful praying "
Philemon 1:4-5  I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your faith in the Lord Jesus
and your love for all the saints. (NIV)
Christians ought to pray for each other.
Paul's captivity allowed him even more time, and God used his prayers in the upbuilding of churches and people.

But in our age of activism, prayer is often devalued as less important than 'doing things'.
Sometimes the Lord has to slow us down so that we can get our priorities right!

Praying is not just about asking God to act; it is also to thank Him for what He has already done.
Joy comes as we accept the work of God and praise Him for it.

Paul's joy, when praying for Philemon, was based on two ways in which God had been at work:Philemon had come to believe in Jesus
and was growing in his ability to trust Him; also, Philemon had a reputation for loving other Christians -
putting the needs of a wide variety of believers above his own and serving them.

That was the evidence of the sovereign work of God in Philemon's life.

So why did Paul pray for this man who has such a dynamic relationship with God?
We can all slip back because nobody can cruise on yesterday's spiritual momentum.

We all need to be sustained in our faith, through the prayers of others (Philippians 1:19).
It is as important to pray for those who are following Christ well, as to intercede for those who have turned off the narrow path.

So, today, why not devote some time to thanking God for those who are apparently spiritually fit, because they can also slip out of the race.
Pray with joy but also with earnestness that they will keep pressing on with Jesus (Philippians 3:12-14).
Join a Christian prayer group at work as well as at church: those on the 'front line' need the best supply chain
Prayer for the day : -

Oh Lord who answers prayer.

Thank You for Your saving and sustaining grace, and for all those I know who have chosen to receive grace from Jesus.

Forgive me when I ignore those who seem to be doing well spiritually forgetting that, like me,
they are also tempted to pull back from wholeheartedly following Jesus.

Help me to develop a more active prayer life which supports the strong as well as encouraging the weak.
And please help me to find others who will pray for me in the  good times as well as in a crisis.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

" Meditate on These "

 man in sunset
              Meditation has become a bad name in the church community, many people think it is only for those
who practice witchcraft, but that is not so.

              The Bible talks about meditating on the word of God and on the acts of God, meditation was God's idea,
not the devils and frankly I don't think we should allow him to steal this powerful God-given tool from the body of Christ.

            I was listening to a star football player talk about a book he had written.
He said he wanted the book to be spiritually based because that was how he had lived his life.

Then he talked about something the Lord had him do before every game.
I found it so interesting that I wanted to share it with you today.

            He said before every game, he went off to himself and meditated.
He meditated on the upcoming game, he saw himself making superb plays.

He refused to see himself making bad plays or missing the ball, for at least thirty minutes before every game
he took time to see himself playing an excellent game. He was indeed an excellent player in every game.

            I looked up the definition of meditate and found it to mean to muse, to speak or utter quietly and to commune.
It is the act of calling to mind some supposition, pondering on it and correlating it to your own life.
It is a constant recollection, to literally roll it over and over in your mind.

            It reminded me of something that Bryson said to me in May of this year.
He was sitting at my kitchen playing a game and he turned to me and said; 'Nana, it's good to imagine.
If you imagine something and then keep it in your mind, thinking about it for a long time...that thing you will do.'

            As I was studying about meditation, I came across a scripture I had never read before in Genesis 24:63,
it said Isaac went out to meditate in the field at eventide.

            I am fully persuaded that if Isaac went out to meditate, he learned it from his father, Abraham.
I can assure you that the father of faith got this insight from our Father, God.

            I was surprised to see that Isaac meditated, even before he had the word of God to meditate on. How interesting is that!
            The Bible says 'whatever things are lovely, pure and of a good report, think on these.'
In other words, meditate on what is lovely and good and pure. Meditate on those things that you want to see happen.
We spend far too much time meditating on things we are afraid will happen,
we need to change that mindset, we need to refuse to think on negative things, don't you agree?

            I would suggest you take some quiet time each day and meditate on the word of God, but even go beyond that,
meditate on things in your life that are lovely and pure and that will have a good outcome,
just like the football player did...our thoughts, what we meditate on will determine our level of success...
as we think in our heart, so are we. If we see it, we can obtain it. Seeing it begins in our mind.

            Biblical meditation has many benefits; it will fill your mind with good thoughts, which will drive out all the negative thoughts.
It will cause you to be Christ-centered at all times. It will reduce stress and remove toxic emotions.

It will cause you to be more connected with the Spirit of God within you and it will deepen your relationship with God.
Take some time today and mediate on God and all He has promise you - roll it over and over in your mind until you see it coming to pass...
God's word works...His ways work...meditate on good things and draw good things your way.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Clearing the Way for Restoration .
Isaiah 57:12-19.
"And shall say, Cast ye up, cast ye up, prepare the way, take up the
stumbling block out of the way of my people." Isaiah 57:14.

Have you ever wondered why you are not able to go forward in your life- in
your relationships, your career, your spiritual life? Probably, there are
stumbling blocks you had created or put in your way. Perhaps, your
attitude, words, actions and your behavior have come in the way of your
development, growth and usefulness.
Here's a way how to clear the way to go forward and the way for restoration
of your relationships, and spiritual advancement. God's Word says that your
sins have come in between you and God and so He can't hear or respond to
your prayers nor cries for help. Also, your relationship with others is
affected by your sins. God wants us to confess our sins because confession
clears the way for spiritual renewal and restoration. As we verbally admit
that we have sinned, we prepare our hearts to be transformed by God's
grace. This confession can happen only by the conviction of the Holy Spirit
as the Lord Jesus foretold in John 16:8. That's why many people can't see
that they are sinners. They are proud that they are born in Christian
family (even if their parents are not truly born again!) and attend church
and do all religious rituals and traditions. Unless and until one comes to
God acknowledging his/her sinfulness, they will not repent and there is no
need for Savior or salvation.

Through His prophet Isaiah,the Lord called Israelits to do the same: 'I
will say, 'Rebuild the road! Clear away the rocks and stones so my people
can return from captivity... Ilive in that high and holy place with with
those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble and give
new courage to those with repentant hearts...I have seen what they do, but
I will them anyway!'" (Isaiah 57:14-15,18).

God desires to clear the way to a better future for His people. When we
come to Him in humility,admitting to ourselves and to others that we are
sinful and weak, God responds by healing us and restoring us so that we can
follow Him once again. Examine yourself to see what things are in the way
of your development and spiritual growth and confess them honestly and
clear them as much as in your hands and the rest God can do for you. If
necessary, hesitate not to seek counsel and encouragement from mature
believers and from the Word of God. Amen.


When You See God’s Grace, He Sees Your Faith
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Ephesians 2:8

Many a time, people ask me, “Pastor John, I know that God’s promises are true, but how can I be sure that His promises will come true in my life?”

My friend, if you want God’s promises to be sure in your life, you cannot depend on yourself. If you depend on yourself — your obedience, goodness, service and even faith — you will not be able to receive God’s promises. But when you depend on God’s grace — His unmerited, unearned, undeserved favor toward you — that is when His promises become sure in your life.

This was true of the woman with the issue of blood. (Matthew 9:20–22) She didn’t go around saying, “I must have faith… I hope that I have enough faith… I will have faith… I will not lose faith.” No, she was only conscious of the grace of Jesus — how He always healed the sick, how powerful He was in raising the dead and how willing He was to use that power for her healing.

She just saw His grace abounding toward her, so much so that she said, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.” And when she came behind Jesus and touched the very hem of His garment, she was healed. At that same moment, Jesus stopped, turned around and said to her, “Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.”

When the woman saw His grace, God saw her faith! And so it was by grace, through faith, that God’s promise became sure in her life.

God wants you to see His grace. And when you see His grace, He sees your faith. God says, “For by grace are you saved through faith.” The Greek word for “saved”, sozo, doesn’t just mean to save from hell, but also to heal, preserve and make whole. So it is by grace that you are made whole, kept healthy, preserved and prospered. It is by grace through faith that God’s promises become sure in your life.

My friend, don’t worry if you feel that you lack faith. Begin to see God’s grace in your situation and He will see that as faith. And because He sees your faith, you will receive the breakthrough you need!

Thought For The Day
When you see God’s grace, He sees your faith, and you will receive your breakthrough.
Faith pays off by our acts .

If you by faith say to the mountain to throw itself into the sea, so
shall it be . [ Mt 21:21 ]

Dearly beloved,
Faith is the supreme gift that holy spirit injects into our inmost
being when we are born again. in fact, faith is the substance which
enables us to draw to the love of God. it makes us to depend more on
God and his wonders than the passing away glory of the world . Jesus
said; the world and its glory shall pass away but never my word shall
.. this statement of Jesus Christ gives more strength to our
inner-spirit which makes us to grow even more stronger in faith .

Jesus said; you shall do much greater things than me if you believe
and walk in faith .christian life is soley constructed on the platform
of faith and the bible clearly says;without faith it is impossible to
please God. christian life is paralyzed and worn out when faith is
dishonored . we must understand that we are noticed by God only when
we seek him diligently by the attribute called ''FAITH'' .even as lord
jesus was gifted to us by God as a sacrifice . similarly, faith also
is gifted to us by the holy spirit to walk with God hand by hand just
as Enoch and Abraham walked along .

You might be in confusion at the statement that jesus made in Mt 21:21
.. the bible says; with men its impossible but with God all things are
possible . the God who made the highest peaks of the world to submerge
and inundate by the floods he brought upon the earth in the days of
noah is the same one who is dwelling in our hearts to do such mighty
acts amongst us . he is the same yesterday today and forever .we need
immense faith to believe that even the mountains can walk and throw
themselves into the sea when we speak out the glorious name of Jesus .
disciples leaped onto their feet with utter amazement when storms
obeyed to the one word of Jesus , '' CALM DOWN ''. by having a closer
look at the scriptures , the package of many turbulent troubles which
are persisting in our lives are being piled up into the likeness of a
huge troublesome mountain and Jesus was talking about this particular
mountain . today he is asking us to utilize our faith in God who
performs wonders which cannot be fathom by any nation .

God is too willingly to ''CALM DOWN'' and cast out the mountain of
every trouble from your lives today itself . every storm like
circumstance shall be wiped out from your life . but, at the same time
he wants us to act on the works of faith . The bible says; from the
fruit of his mouth a man's stomach is filled , with the harvest from
his lips he is satisfied . [Prv 18:20 .] say to the troubled-mountain
of your life to get away in the name of jesus. so shall it be for sure
and it will come to pass . you will witness by yourself watching the
mountain of troubles falling at your feet and landing at the depth of
the sea never comming back . act on the work of you faith to see the
glory of God to manifest in your life. claim it today for God is
working .

Loving heavenly father God,
Grant us more faith to believe in your awesome wonders . you are the
God who can turn the things upside down in no time . today , even as i
prophecy against all the adversities of my life in Jesus name , let it
come to pass . turn my turbulent times into everlasting joy . perform
awesome miracles now .

In the powerful name of  Jesus I prophecy and pray .
Amen !

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


What is Your Vision? (Isaiah 6)
"In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a
throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple."

The point of Isaiah's vision, in the year of the king's death, was to
underscore it in Isaiah's conception of God. There are four looks to be
remarked in the vision.

I. The Upward Look
Isaiah 6. 1-4 'I saw the Lord . . . high and lifted up'. The upward look,
in the first instance, is essential to right perspective. Moses' initial
mistake, in seeking to defend an oppressed Israelite was that 'he looked
this way and that way', instead of first looking up to God for guidance.
For his error, he was compelled to flee from Egypt and to spend forty years
in obscurity.

2. The Inward Look
v. 5 'Then said I, woe is me for I am undone: because I am a man of unclean
lips . . .', v. 5. The inward look always follows the upward look, in
spiritual experience. One cannot take account of the holiness of God,
without a corresponding sense of personal sinnership. Many scriptures
testify to this fact.
The inward look is the necessary result of the upward look, but it were
wrong to stop there. Excessive introspection, undue preoccupation with
one's sinnership, to the exclusion of occupation with God's remedy for sin,
were not only undesirable but foolish.

3. The Altar Look
w. 6, 7 The action of the seraphim was symbolic. Doubtless, the 'live coal'
typifies the cross, applied to our spiritual uncleanness and 'undone'
state. The cross meets our unfitness as sinners for the presence of the
thrice-holy God.He looked to the mercy seat, sprinkled with the blood of
sacrifice, Lev. 16. Christ is 'the propitiation for our sins', 1 John 2. 2;
4. 10 (cf. Rom. 3. 25) and 'faith in his blood' rids us of our spiritual
uncleanness and fits us for the holy presence of God.

4. The Outward Look
w. 8-9-'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?', vv. 8, 9, to which
Isaiah responded 'Here am I, send me'. The outward look must follow the
altar look. The meeting of our personal need as sinners must create in us
an exercise of heart toward those whose need is as yet unrealized and
unmet. Only those who have had this experience are qualified to intervene
with those who lack it. But all such service for God must have commission.
And God does not commandeer men to preach. They must freely acknowledge His
commission. When God asked 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?',
Isaiah willingly responded 'Here am I; send me'.

What is your response to the vision God has shown you? The Lord Jesus
commissioned His disciples to go and tell and to make disciples of all
nations (Matthew 28:18-20). What are you doing? Amen.


" Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” (John 17:17 NIV)
The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to make us like the Son of God.
To become like Jesus, we must fill our lives with his Word.
The Bible says, “Through the Word we are put together and shaped up
for the tasks God has for us” (2 Timothy 3:17 MSG).
God’s Word is unlike any other word. It is alive.
Jesus said, “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life”
(John 6:63 NASB).
When God speaks, things change. Everything around you —
all of creation — exists because “God said it.” He spoke it all into existence.
God’s Word generates life, creates faith, produces change, frightens the Devil,
causes miracles, heals hurts, builds character, transforms circumstances,
imparts joy, overcomes adversity, defeats temptation, infuses hope,
releases power, cleanses our minds, brings things into being,
and guarantees our future forever!
We cannot live without the Word of God! Never take it for granted.
You should consider it as essential to your life as food.
Job said, “I have treasured the words of his mouth more than
my daily bread” (Job 23:12 NIV).
God’s Word is the spiritual nourishment you must have to fulfill your purpose.
Talk About It
  • How has knowing God’s Word transformed your life?
  • Ask people what they do to stay in God’s Word. Likewise, share with others what you do to stay in God’s Word. Learn from each other!

" All Things Work Together For Good "

Once upon a time there was a King in a country who was on a tour with his Ministers, including his royal security and others.
He was taking rest, under the shade of the mongo tree at the mango garden with his team when suddenly a stone hit him directly on the forehead.

Immediately he started bleeding.
The king had no idea who threw the stone at him, but he did know that he was experiencing an intolerable pain.

The royal securities left right away to find the person who threw the stone at the king.
After searching they found only one old lady there, and they asked if she had thrown any stones recently.

"Yes," she replied. "I threw a stone at the mango tree." They asked her, "Did you throw any stone at the king?"
The woman's face showed how terrified she was, so the guard forcefully told her that she would be punished.
The woman was arrested and presented before the King.

She trembled with immense fear and prayed that they would not kill her.
After seeing the blood flow down the King’s face, she became more upset and felt hopeless.
"What will happen to me?" she thought.

The king, very calmly asked her, "Did you throw the stone at me?"
She replied, "Your majesty, I threw the stone at the mango tree.” Why?" the king asked.

She replied weeping, "Your majesty, my child has been starving for two days.
I was collecting food for him but could not find any.

I hoped that when I threw the stone at the mango tree, a mango would fall so that I could feed my son.
Your majesty, by mistake the stone hit your forehead and that is my unknowing mistake."

The woman bowed down before the king begging pardon for her mistake.
The king was a kind hearted one and understood the situation very clearly.

He forgave her mistake and ordered his security personnel not punish her in any way.
Instead of punishment he said to give her money, food, and return her safely to her home.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God
and are called according to His purpose for them.  Romans 8:28.

What are YOU Afraid of?

He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; he does not shy away from the sword.” Job 39:22
It seems that a man was driving his pick-up along the highway and not being mindful of the speed limit was substantially exceeding it,
when deputy sheriff was parked in the bushes stealthy observing the meter on his radar gun.
Clocking the speed of the pick-up, he turned on his lights and siren in hot pursuit.
He asked the driver for the usual documents and the driver, apologizing for not watching his speed,
handed the deputy what he wanted along with his concealed weapons permit.
Seeing that, the deputy asked if the man was carrying a gun.
“Why yes,” was the response. “I have a 9mm semi-automatic in my ankle holster, a .40 cal one on my belt holster and a .
45 cal loaded with copper jacketed hollow points in the glove box and I have a twelve gauge shotgun and a 30.06 rifle behind the seat,
and under the front seat is an ammo box with enough re-loads for all.”
The trooper responded by asking, “What in the world are you afraid of,” to which the man answered, “Absolutely nothing.”
He had taken the necessary training to be licensed to carry and use those weapons and was equipped to face any unfriendly situation.
Humorous as it sounds, there is a ring of truth to this story.
The man was physically and mentally prepared to meet the dangers of life.
But, how many of us are spiritually armed in the same manner?
Think of it.
How many people are trained to use the power of the Bible as we slay the dragons of the world ?
Hebrews tells us ,
For the word of God is living and active.
Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12).
God has given us an amazing weapon to use against the enemy.
It’s our responsibility to make sure we are using it.
When you pick up a Bible what you’re holding in your hand is a weapon.
And many of us don’t even know how to use it properly.
The most effective way Satan has found to derail a believer is to get him or her to believe that God didn’t really say what He really said.
How do we combat against this deception?
By allowing the living, active Word of God pierce through the lies. Jesus did it and calls on us to do it.

So pack your spiritual weapon, know how and don’t be afraid to use it in the dangerous situations of life.

No matter how you might otherwise be armed, the Bible is always your strongest weapon against the forces of evil.


Monday, July 9, 2012


          " Taking Time to Care "

Be intentional today to stand as one loved by God, with purpose and dignity.
Reach out in kindness to someone today and feel His love flow to you … and through you.
God’s love, given generously through you, has a way of coming full circle back to you.
You have much to give! Stand tall! His grace will shelter you and protect you.
His grace will fulfill you. His grace will enable you to step forward and not shrink back.
His grace will enable you to give CARE even when you desperately want to receive care yourself.
His grace is given to you in order to be given away.
Let His grace flow to you … and through you as you care in the ways He has made you to uniquely show His love.
It will fill you up in an unexpected way.
Four ways to show C A R E today …
C – Compassion = concern, kindness, consideration.
As you go through your day today ask God to show you where and how you can show kindness,
consideration and concern in a meaningful and simple way to someone on your pathway.
When you feel the nudge take the time to respond. Show consideration.
A – Appreciate
Show appreciation in an intentional and specific way to someone whom the Lord highlights
on your radar screen today. Be genuinely appreciative. Say “thanks”.
R – Reach Out
Don’t wait for others to take the first step to greet, speak, say or do something.
Be ready to reach out in the moment you become aware of the choice. Go first.
E – Encourage
It costs nothing to say a sincere and encouraging word.
Be aware today that you have the power of life and death in your tongue.
Bite your tongue when careless words want to spill out.
Ask God to fill your mind and heart with His goodness toward others.
Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Use your words to build.
Prayer to help action CARE in your life:
Father God, Today my heart yearns for love.
To answer that yearning, please help me to extend CARE to those in my circle.
Let me feel Your lavish love toward me today and help me to pass it out.
May consideration, appreciation and encouragement mark my attitudes,
words and actions today as I reach out with Your love.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
" Act of Positive Thinking "

Harness your positive power
A negative outlook usually leads to negative experiences, but taking an optimistic approach to life, 
and everything it throws your way, can reap dividends and lead to positive experiences. 
Some evidence even suggests that being positive makes us happier, and happier people generally live longer!

Be in control of yourself
The biggest difference between people is their attitudes. 
We can be positive or negative, and this is reflected in our enthusiasm for doing things, 
or our response to certain situations. Although you cant necessarily control the things 
that happen to you, you can control how you react to them. 
For example, if an accident holds you up on your way to work, you are likely to be late 
and quite possibly very angry — but getting angry is wasted energy. 
Have a coping mechanism or strategy — just accept you are going to be late and deal with it.

Dont dwell on the past
What is gone is gone, and how you deal with the aftermath is the most important thing. 
There is no point apportioning blame, either on yourself or others. You have the power to 
change a situation and move on. It is so easy to say ‘I should have done things differently 
with the benefit of hindsight. However, if bad things have happened, look at tomorrow 
at exactly what it is a new day  in which good things can happen, if you let them.

Get off to the right start
On waking, take some time to lie there and think about the day ahead and your feelings about it. 
Think about your attitude to each aspect of the day and consider if there is any part that you feel 
particularly negative about. If so, think about the best way to deal with the event in this situation, 
but more importantly, where possible, think about how you will manage in the future — is there a way 
of not putting yourself in this situation again in the future?

Enlist help
If there is any particular task that you really cant face alone, then enlist some help. 
There is nothing like getting someone else on board to help out to make you feel more positive 
about tackling a job be it at home or at work. 
You could even try enlisting the help of your family  dont be a martyr and end up feeling 
miserable about your chores and responsibilities.

Be pro-active
If there are things in your day that you are truly going to struggle to be positive about, 
try and work out what is it about them that makes you feel that way. Is there anything 
you could do that could change your attitude towards it? 
If you regularly dread your commute to work, then perhaps you could consider 
a different mode of transport. 
If it is your job that is the problem, then is it perhaps time to start looking for work elsewhere.

Carry happy memories
If you are ever feeling negative, nothing quite perks you up like a happy thought. 
Think of the positive times in your life and when you were at your happiest. 
You might be able to prompt your memory and happy feelings by carrying a cherished item 
or photograph, or even by listening to a favourite song with positive associations.

Tomorrow is another day
Aside from famously being the last line in Gone with the Wind, this truism should be used in your daily approach. 
However bad your previous day may have been (and you might be feeling your previous optimism didnt pay off), 
it is worth persisting rather than letting yourself turn towards your dark side.

Thinking positively is about making a commitment to yourself to get the most out of your day. 
It is about being enthusiastic, keeping your mind focused on important things and developing 
strategies for dealing with problems. 
The best advice is to do your best each day and try not to look back at things that 
happen to you along the way  just reflect on them in a positive learning way.

Of a person's mood, Abraham Lincoln once said, 'Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be'. 
It's up to you as to how you feel, and how you act. In turn, this will affect the way in which others react towards you. 
Remember, if you always do what you've always done, then you'll always have what you've always had.