Tuesday, April 3, 2012


                 " Everything is Possible "
Jesus looked at them intently, then said, ‘Without God, it is utterly impossible.
But with God everything is possible’” Mark 10:27
An hour in prayer can give the believer enough power to overcome the second most powerful force
in the universe,” sagely declared an anonymous observer.
God’s Word gives us many exceeding great and precious promises
that confirm the truth of this wise observation –
and the truth of the scriptural promise that with God everything is possible.
One of these precious promises declares,
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:31,KJV).
Sometimes renewed strength spiritual strength, God’s strength –
is all we need to face the problem or difficulty or testing or trial that confronts us.
In the gigantic tasks God has given us to do in the work of Campus Crusade for Christ
often it is the confirmed realization that with God everything is possible that keeps us going on,
trusting God to do that which no man could possibly do.
God’s indwelling Holy Spirit, making possible the supernatural life,
constantly empowers and enables us to reach out and attempt great and mighty things for God
always an outreach that involves the needs of others more than our own personal needs,
as great as they may seem to be at times.
Bible Reading: Mark 10:23-27
Today’s Action Point:
“Dear Lord, give me a heart like Yours – one that reaches out to the ends of the earth,
and the end of the block, with the good news of the gospel,
always believing that nothing is impossible with Your help.”
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
Questions: What has God been calling you to do that you have been ignoring?
Can you trust Him to do what He has been nudging you to do?
" Good Morning - Thought for the day "
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" There are two things to aim at in life;

first to get what you want,
and after that to enjoy it.

Only the wisest of mankind has achieved the second ".

Logan Pearsall Smith


Toooooo cute!!!!
" Ever have days when you feel you
 just never really get anything done ? "
May your troubles be less,
Your blessings more,
And may nothing but happiness,
Come through your door, Amen.
God bless my friends
" Devoted to PRAYER "
Colossians 4:2  Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. (NIV)
Prayer is good; very good.

The idea of talking to God, pouring out the inner cries of our hearts,
exposing our souls to His Divine scrutiny, seeking His will and purpose for our lives,
and giving undiluted time to being with Him ... all that is a right and true ambition.

Of all the beautiful things of this life, prayer surpasses them all.

Like a baby content with its mother, and a farmer delighted with harvest,
so the believer is satisfied in the presence of God.

But the idea of praying is not prayer; any more than the thought of having a
successful business is a profit.

Millions of sermons have been preached about prayer, and thousands of books
written to encourage prayer.

And no Christian would deny that prayer is important.
But devoting ourselves to prayer is a different matter.

Devotion involves a cascade of deliberate choices,
and every positive decision means the rejection of other possibilities.

So when we are praying we cannot be focussed on anything or anyone else.

Prayer is exclusive.

Prayer is also highly relational, an intimate conversation with our Maker and Saviour.

Therefore, those who truly pray cannot be casual ... indeed they cannot stop
praying (
Colossians 1:9).
Devoted prayer is not a fashion, a whim to amuse us or an emergency panic button.

It is a lifestyle choice.

It is more than requests, thanks and even confession (although prayer includes all these);
prayer is the outcome of a rigorous determination to be so close to God
that nothing else has priority.

But how can that work in a busy life?

Simple: choose to start each day with the Lord,
reading His Word and discussing with Him how to do it.

Then, at every decision point of the day involve Him; ask Him for His wisdom.
In every conversation listen to the other person and ask the Lord what is true,
and how to respond.

Everything good comes from His hand, so thank Him.

Everything bad is under His control already, so praise Him for His future provision.

A decision to pray without ceasing (
1 Thessalonians 5:17) is good;
now it needs to be put into practice every day.

Prayer for the day : -
Loving Lord God. Thank You for allowing me to speak directly to You through Jesus Christ.

I want to enjoy Your Fatherly presence and to share all of my heart with You.

I am sorry when I have chosen to replace the priority of prayer with my own self-glorifying ambitions and activities.

Forgive me for insulting You in that way, and please teach me how to devote myself to prayer.

Help me to move everything else to the background so that You can be in the foreground of my thinking and desires.

Thank You for this challenge to reshape my life so that it consciously revolves around You.

Help me to learn a fresh honesty with You in joy and sadness;
and to seek a new purity in the way I live because I devote myself to You in prayer.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.


" Only the God-planned life is successful "


od's accuracy may be observed in the hatching of eggs.

For example, the eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;
those of the canary in 14 days; those of the barnyard hen in 21 days.

The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days; those of the mallard in 35 days,
The eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days. (Notice, they are all divisible by seven).

The lives of each of you may be ordered by the Lord in a beautiful way for His glory,
if you will only entrust Him with your life.

If you try to regulate your own life, it will only be a mess and a failure.

Only the One Who made the brain and the heart can successfully guide them to a profitable end.

Elephant in an egg shell, God's wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant.

The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction.

No other quadruped is so made.

God planned that this animal would have a huge body,too large to live on two legs.

For this reason He gave it four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily.

The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first.

How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation!

God's wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of sections and segments,
as well as in the number of grains.

Each watermelon has an even number of strips on the rind.
Each orange has an even number of segments.

Each ear of corn has an even number of rows.
Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.

Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even number of bananas,
and each row decreases by one, so that one row has an even number and
the next row an odd number.

The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather.

All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks,
and the Lord specified thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and a hundredfold - all even numbers.

God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day,
so that Linneus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil,
moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers
that were open and those that were closed!
Thus the Lord in His wonderful grace can arrange the life that is entrusted to His care
in such a way that it will carry out His purposes and plans,
and will be fragrant with His presence.

Only the God-planned life is successful.

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