Wednesday, May 9, 2012


" Steadfast in God "

            I was reading the other day about the days of the book of Acts.

It is amazing that the outpouring of God was still going strong two years later, as we find in Acts 2.

I began to think about how they kept their passion for God and His works red hot for that long,

when many today find it hard to persevere for a few weeks.

            I found the answer to my question in Acts 2:42.

The Bible says the people were steadfast in some things;
that is what I want to share with you today.

The word steadfast here means they continued in daily,
they persevered in these things and did not faint or give up,

they were steadfast.

            So what were they steadfast in?

They were steadfast in the teaching of the Apostles, in fellowship,
in the breaking of bread and in prayer.

The scripture says: And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship,

in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

            Let's take a look at these four things that enabled the people to remain passionate for God and

walk in great power for such a long time.

First of all they were steadfast in the Apostle's doctrine or the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Daily...every single day they listened to the teachings of Jesus.

They were steadfast in the word of God and that was one of the things

to keep revival fires burning.

            Secondly, they were steadfast in fellowship.

The Bible dictionary defines this as joint participation or a joining together of like faith.

This is another thing they did daily, they gathered together with other believers and

fellow shipped  in the presence of God.

There was unity in their group, so much so that they made sure everyone's needs were met even

if that meant they sold all they had and helped to meet those needs,

we certainly don't see that type of unity in the church least not very often.

These folks were concerned about one another and they were as concerned about the needs

of others as they were their own needs, unity.

The Bible says where there is unity there is a commanded blessing of life evermore...
these people were walking in the Zoë life of God.

            Thirdly they were steadfast in the breaking of bread.

They daily had communion.

When they gathered together they broke bread, the Bible calls this the love feast.

They broke bread and remembered Jesus and what He did for them at the cross -

there is great, great power in this practice.

I would recommend you begin to take time to take communion or break bread
on a regular basis - remember it is the Lord's love feast.

            Finally, they were steadfast in prayer.

Every single day they prayed to God, they offered up prayers unto the Lord, every day.

They were powerful for many reasons, but one of the main reasons
was their commitment to daily prayer,

their commitment to daily communion with God through prayer.

            This group, as we all know, was a powerful group, signs and wonders took place
on a daily basis and the Bible says the Lord added to the church DAILY.

Daily increase.
Would you like daily increase in your ministry?

Would you like daily increase in your business?

Would you like daily increase in your finances?

If so, here are four keys to bring you to a place where God will add to you daily.

It will require steadfastness and perseverance, but it can be yours,

if you commit to follow the examples of the book of Acts.

Steadfast in the word,
in fellowship,
in communion
and in prayer -
your key to increase.


" Confessions for Blessings "

I am blessed when I come in and when I go out.
Deuteronomy 28:6

The Lord sends blessings on everything I put my hand to.
The Lord blesses me in the land that He has given me.
Deuteronomy 28:8 

The Lord establishes me as a holy people. 

                                                                             Deuteronomy 28:9 

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