joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). At the time these
words were proclaimed, the Israelites had just returned from captivity
in Babylon. Under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah, the people had
rebuilt Jerusalem's ruined walls. And now they set their sights on
reestablishing the temple and restoring the nation.
At this
point, Nehemiah called a special meeting at the city's water gate,
within Jerusalem's rebuilt walls. "And all the people gathered
themselves together as one man into the street that was before the water
gate" (Nehemiah 8:1). Some 42,360 Israelite men were on hand for this
meeting. Standing alongside them were 7,300 servants, including 245
singers. Altogether, about 50,000 people were gathered.
came the preaching of God's word. Scripture says the people were hungry
to hear it: "They spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the
law of Moses...Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation
both of men and women, and all that could hear with understanding"
These people didn't need to have God's word pushed on
them. A consensus of hunger had developed among them. And they were
fully prepared to submit to the authority of God's word. They wanted to
be governed by it, to make their lives conform to its truth.
Amazingly, Ezra preached to this crowd for five or six hours - "from the
morning until midday" (8:3). Yet no one even noticed the time. "The
ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law" (8:3).
These people were totally captivated by God's word.
What an
incredible scene! You simply wouldn't see such an occurrence in any
American church today. Yet, I tell you, true revival can never take
place without this kind of all-consuming hunger for God's word. Indeed,
when God's people grow weary of hearing his word preached, a spiritual
death begins - and the joy of the Lord departs.
You may have
heard of the phrase "sermon tasters." This term is almost 200 years old,
originating in London during the mid-1800s. At that time, the great
preacher C.H. Spurgeon delivered sermons to 5,000 people every Sunday at
the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Across the city, Joseph Parker also
preached anointed messages. And other fiery pastors preached throughout
London, delivering deep, revelatory, prophetic words.
It became
a popular sport among wealthy Londoners to hop in their carriages and
race across the city from one church to another, sampling the preaching
of these ministers. Each Monday in Parliament, exclusive meetings were
held to discuss which preacher delivered the best sermon and who brought
forth the deepest revelation.
These gadabouts were dubbed
"sermon tasters." They always wanted to lay claim to some new spiritual
truth or revelation. But very few practiced what they heard.
the water gate in Jerusalem, however, there was no eloquent preaching,
no sensational sermon. Ezra preached straight from the scriptures,
reading for hours on end. And as the people stood and listened to God's
word, they grew excited.
At times Ezra was so overcome by what
he read, he stopped to "bless the Lord, the great God" (8:6). The glory
of the Lord came down powerfully, and everyone raised his hands in
praise to God: "All the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up
their hands" (8:6). As certain passages were read, "they bowed their
heads, and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground" (8:6).
The people humbled themselves before God, in brokenness and repentance.
Then, after a while, they stood up to experience more.
note - this meeting didn't include any exciting stories to stir up
people's emotions. There was no manipulation from the pulpit, no
dramatic testimony. There wasn't even any music as yet. These people
simply had an ear to hear everything God said to them.
believe the Lord desires to move among his people in the same way today.
I see his Spirit stirring up churches wherever there's a hunger for his
Yet I've also been in churches where people constantly
glance at their watches, before the sermon has started. Then, when the
pastor says his final "Amen," the people begin a mad race for the
parking lot. There is no real joy in such a church. So, how can we
expect desperate sinners to ever want a part in it?
The kind of
revival we see in Nehemiah 8 requires a pastor who is as excited by the
scriptures as Ezra was. Yet it also requires a people who are just as
anxious to hear God's word and obey it. Even the most fiery preacher
can't stir up a complacent congregation if they're not hungry to hear
God's truth.
The Result of This Powerful Preaching
Was a Wave of Brokenness Among the Hearers.
A half-day of preaching wasn't enough for the hungry Israelites. They
wanted even more of God's word. So they formed groups, with seventeen
elders besides Ezra leading them in Bible studies the rest of the day.
"(They) caused the people to understand the they read in the
book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them
to understand the reading" (Nehemiah 8:7-8).
As these people
grasped God's law, they began to mourn over their sin. "All the people
wept when they heard the words of the law" (8:9). Picture the scene:
50,000 people lay scattered on the ground, mourning their sin in unison.
Like a hammer, God's word had broken their pride. And now their weeping
echoed over the hills for miles.
I ask you - is this what
revival is all about? Is it a word so piercing that people are driven to
their knees, weeping and repenting before God?
I have
experienced such holy gatherings myself. When I was a child, our family
attended "camp meetings" at the Living Waters Camp Ground in
Pennsylvania. Jesus' second coming was preached with such power and
authority, everyone was convinced Christ would return within the hour. A
holy fear fell, and people were driven to their faces. Some cried as if
they were hanging over hell by a thread - wailing, broken, sorrowing
over sin.
Often, God's word was preached all day and into the
night. Early the next morning, people could still be found lying
prostrate in the prayer room, grieving over their sin. Some even had to
be carried out.
It was on such a night that the Lord called me
to preach, at the age of eight. I was in the Spirit for hours, broken
and weeping, God's word coming alive in my heart. Christ's soon return
burned within me as an imminent reality. I'll never forget that
wonderful experience.
Yet, as glorious as all of these
manifestations were - whether at Living Waters Camp Ground, or at
Jerusalem's water gate centuries ago - none of these things can draw
sinners into God's house.
Imagine an unsaved person who's
trying to bear up under life's stresses. He has marital problems, he's
hurting and confused, he's afraid his life has no meaning. Such a person
is joyless, disgusted with life. And nothing he tries can satisfy his
thirsting soul. He's convinced he can't make it through the day without
medicating himself with alcohol.
If you took this man to a
church service where people were lying about prostrate, mourning over
sin, he wouldn't understand what was going on. In fact, chances are he
would leave more depressed than when he came in.
We have to
understand - the water-gate revival in Jerusalem wasn't for sinners. It
was strictly for the backslidden children of God. Likewise, few unsaved
people ever attended Living Waters camp meetings. In both cases, the
Lord was trying to repair his children - to deliver them from
corruption, baptize them with joy and make them strong.
testimony is never that his people are lying on their faces, crying
rivers of tears. No, the testimony he wants to bring forth in his people
is joy - genuine, lasting joy. "The joy of the Lord is your strength"
(Nehemiah 8:10). This joy - which results from biblical preaching and
true repentance - brings true strength to God's people and draws sinners
into his house.
Most Christians never associate joy with
repentance. But repentance is actually the mother of all joy in Jesus.
Without it, there can be no joy. Yet any believer or congregation who
walks in repentance will be flooded with the joy of the Lord.
What Is Missing in Multitudes
of Churches Today Is the Thing
Most Needed by The Lost:
Genuine, Soul-Satisfying Joy.
I often hear Christians say, "We prayed down a revival in our church."
But I say this cannot happen by prayer alone. There can't be any such
awakening unless both the pastor and the people hunger diligently for
God's word. And they must wholly commit their lives to being governed by
the scriptures. We simply can't obtain heaven's joy until the pure word
has convicted us of sin - breaking down all pride, prejudices and false
When David disobeyed, he lost the joy of the Lord.
And that joy could only be restored by true repentance. So he prayed,
"Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I
acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Purge me"
(Psalm 51:2-3, 7). David also prayed to regain what he'd lost: "Restore
unto me the joy of thy salvation" (Psalm 51:12).
I believe this
explains the death pall that hangs over many churches today. In short,
there is sin in the camp. And it's impossible to maintain the joy of the
Lord if sin is present. How can the Holy Spirit pour out joy on a
people who continue to indulge in adultery, addictions and materialism,
living like the unsaved?
The Lord lifted his glory from Shiloh
because the high priest, Eli, refused to deal with sin in God's house.
Eli had become accustomed to the easy life - and if you're addicted to
pleasure, you won't be motivated to expose sin. God finally wrote the
word "Ichabod" above the door of the sanctuary - meaning, "The glory has
departed." Then he held up Shiloh as an example of what happens to a
church when sin is ignored. God's glory - including all gladness and joy
- dissipates, in individuals and in the corporate body.
Where God's Word Is
Revered, the Inevitable
Result Is an Outpouring of
Genuine "Jesus Joy."
Ezra told the crowds, "You've been excited about God's word - hungering
for it, loving it, allowing it to work in your heart. You've repented,
wept and mourned - and God is pleased with you. But now it's time to
rejoice. Take out your handkerchiefs, and wipe away your tears. This is a
time for great joy and mirth."
The glory of the Lord fell on
Israel, and the people spent the next seven days rejoicing: "All the
people went their way to eat, and to drink...and to make great mirth,
because they had understood the words that were declared unto them"
(Nehemiah 8:12).
The Hebrew word for mirth here means "glee,
merriment, gladness, happiness." This kind of mirth isn't merely a good
feeling - it's an inner joy, a deep exuberance. Its expression may look
different in each of us, because such joy takes place deep inside us.
But it's clear to everyone around us that our wellspring of joy comes
from heaven.
Whenever Israel turned to sin and idolatry, the
Lord removed their mirth: "I will also cause all her mirth to cease"
(Hosea 2:11). "I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice
of gladness, and this whole land shall astonishment" (Jeremiah
25:10-11). "All joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone" (Isaiah
At times, Israel put on a false joy to try to cover
their sin. We see this happening as well in many churches today. We may
witness singing, dancing, manifestations, loud praising - but those who
love God's word can discern whether it's true or false joy.
may recall Israel's shouts as they danced around the golden calf. When
Joshua heard the people, he said, "There is a noise of war in the camp"
(Exodus 32:17). But Moses replied, "It is not the voice of them that
shout for mastery" (32:18). Moses was saying, "That's the shout of a
people still in bondage. They haven't mastered their sin." Gold had
become Israel's god, and it brought a shout to the people's lips. Yet it
was a shout of false joy - a noise that signaled God's impending
I once preached in a large church full of this kind
of noise. During the worship, the pastor and organist whipped the people
into a frenzy. The congregation sang and clapped loudly for an entire
hour. After a while, I felt physically sick. I prayed, "Lord,
something's wrong here. This isn't the sound of a people who've mastered
their sins."
A year later, the pastor and organist were
exposed as homosexuals. Yet the people had never discerned this about
their leaders, because they weren't grounded in God's word. Instead,
they'd followed a noise that appeared to be joyful but that was leading
them toward destruction.
When we started Times Square Church in
1987, we quickly realized we were pastoring in a modern-day Corinth.
And we had to preach a strong message that would expose all sin.
Our services were attended by many Christians who worked in the
entertainment industry - in theater, TV and film. These people shouted
loud praises - but, in some cases, their noise wasn't the sound of
mastery. Some had chosen to stay in careers that clearly dishonored the
Lord, working in plays or shows that blasphemed God.
wondered whether we could evangelize unsaved show people if our own
congregants were still involved in wicked aspects of the business.
Finally, we decided we couldn't allow a double standard. So we preached
holy separation - and the Lord began to deal with the people. Many of
them gave up lucrative careers in entertainment, and God blessed them
marvelously. One former actor now pastors a church in Jerusalem,
preaching Christ on Mount Carmel.
Cross dressers also came to
our services, dressed in drag. We never said anything to put them down,
and over time the Holy Ghost dealt with them. Many were saved and began
to change their appearance. Some even grew beards as a sign of
We had to face other significant problems among the
people. Practicing gays wanted to sing in the choir. Bar-hopping
musicians wanted to play in the orchestra. We had to preach the law to
deal with sin, but we always tempered our messages with mercy.
We also had to deal with sin on our own staff. One musician was seen
visiting X-rated theaters after our church meetings. And a member of our
worship team - a white man - boasted, "Any black guy who tries to clean
my windshield for money is going to get a fist sandwich." We released
that man immediately.
We also had to deal with deceptions and
delusions in our congregation. One married man told me he believed the
Lord was going to take his wife from him. He said God had already
revealed to him the woman in our church he was going to marry. I told
this man bluntly that any such revelation he might have received wasn't
from God.
We kept preaching holiness, week after week. And over
time, our sermons scared many people away. Yet the Lord had kept a
godly remnant for himself, a people who loved his word. In every
service, these people sat like hungry little birds, their mouths wide
open for food. Afterward, they took home sermon tapes to listen to over
and over. We saw in them a spirit of repentance, an eagerness to obey,
and a readiness to conform to God's word.
One wealthy couple
called our offices and said, "Please send a truck tomorrow, along with
some workers. We want to remove our liquor cabinet from our home, as
well as our TVs."
As the people came under the power and
government of God's word, a joy broke forth. Soon our services were
filled with more than tears of repentance. Suddenly, the sanctuary shook
with shouts of victory, mirth, glee and gladness. There was great
rejoicing - because we'd begun to understand the great truth of God's
To Maintain the Joy of the
Lord, God Called for an Even
Deeper Work of the Spirit.
God had heard the Israelites' cry, and he'd shown mercy to them. He had
turned their mourning into mirth, allowing them to shout and rejoice.
And now he called them to gather for yet another meeting.
Israel's joy was to be maintained - if it was not to be lost once again -
God had to dig a little deeper. Certain areas of people's lives still
weren't conformed to his word. Yet the Lord had allowed everyone to
rejoice for a season, because he wanted them to know they were secure.
Now, during this state of acceptance and joy, he asked them all to
commit to a greater separation from the world.
God said to
these joyful souls, "I am well pleased with you. You have revered my
word - repenting of your sin, rejoicing in my mercy, and promising to
obey me. Now, it's time for you to act on my love. I want you to
separate yourselves wholly - to break away completely from the worldly
influences that have crept into your hearts and homes."
see, while the Israelites were in captivity, they'd become cozy with the
heathen, slowly adopting their language and ways. Israelite men had
married heathen wives, and Israelite women had purchased heathen
husbands with dowries. The Israelites had also allowed unsanctified
things to become a part of the worship in God's house.
we can't go on to fullness in Christ if we don't increasingly separate
ourselves from this world. If we're not becoming more heavenly minded,
and less like the unsaved people surrounding us, we'll slowly lose all
the joy of our repentance.
Israel didn't want to lose their
great spirit of rejoicing. So they assembled again, to obey God on this
matter: "The seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and
stood and confessed their sins" (Nehemiah 9:2). "They...entered into a
curse, and into an oath, to walk in God's law...and that (they) would
not give (their) daughters unto the people of the land, nor take their
daughters for (their) sons" (10:29-30).
This Israelite remnant
had also neglected to tithe. Now God demanded this of them as well. You
may wonder, "Would God really withhold his joy and mirth from a church
if the people weren't tithing?" I refer you to Malachi 3:8-10:
"Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we
robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye
have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into
the storehouse...prove me...if I will not open you the windows of
heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough
to receive it."
God was saying to Israel, "Don't continue to
rob me. If you'll conform to my command to tithe, I'll pour out a
blessing you won't be able to contain." The people pledged "that we
should bring the first-fruits...and our offerings...and the
tithes...unto the Levites, that the same Levites might have the tithes
in all the cities of our tillage" (Nehemiah 10:37).
God's Promise to Pour Out
A Blessing From Heaven
Holds True for Us Today.
When we set our hearts to obey God's word - allowing his Spirit to
expose and mortify all sin in our lives - the Lord himself causes us to
rejoice. "God had made them rejoice with great joy" (Nehemiah 12:43). I
believe this poured-out blessing includes abundant joy, even in the
midst of our trials. The Lord opens heaven and baptizes us with "Jesus
joy" - with shouting, rejoicing and singing - no matter what our
Nehemiah reminded a rejoicing Israel of how God
had provided for their forefathers in the wilderness. The Lord had
poured out manifold mercies on them. He'd taught them by his Spirit and
led them by the cloud and the pillar of fire. He'd supernaturally
provided them with manna and water. And, miraculously, he didn't allow
their clothes or shoes ever to wear out (see Nehemiah 9:19-21).
How do these kinds of blessings sound to you? Manifold mercies, clear
direction, God's Spirit teaching you, all your physical and material
needs supplied - these all sound wonderful to me. And, indeed, all of
these blessings hold true for us today. The Lord, in his great mercy,
has promised to provide them all for his people.
Yet, we can
still choose to live in a wilderness, as Israel did. Nehemiah pointed
out that their forefathers had rebelled against the Lord, ignoring his
law: "Nevertheless they were disobedient, and rebelled against thee, and
cast thy law behind their backs...Yet many years didst thou forbear
them...yet they would not give ear" (Nehemiah 9:26, 30).
you imagine the awful spiritual death these people brought upon
themselves? Forty years of sabbaths without any joy or mirth. Forty
years of funerals, without ever entering the promised land. These
Israelites were rich with blessings, increased with goods, needing
nothing - but they were lukewarm in spirit.
This is a picture
of Jehovah Jireh - the God who faithfully provides for his people, even
when they become hardened to his word. The Israelites had become bored
with the things of God. They were just going through the motions. In his
mercy, the Lord continued to direct their daily affairs and provide for
them. But these people would never enter into his fullness. Is it any
wonder their clothes and shoes never wore out? They simply weren't going
This is also the sad state of many churches today.
God may extend his mercy to a congregation - freeing them of debt,
giving them direction for good works, supplying them with finances for
new construction. Yet that church may remain in a spiritual wilderness,
never going anywhere. They can enjoy a measure of God's blessing -
enough to keep from dying of thirst - but they remain weak, weary, ready
to die. And it's all because their focus is still on the things of the
world. They have no spirit, no life.
Simply put, only the joy
of the Lord supplies us with true strength. We can talk all we want to
about our ten- or twenty-year walk with Christ. We can show off our robe
of righteousness. But if we're not allowing the Holy Spirit to maintain
the joy of the Lord in our hearts - if we aren't continually hungering
for his word - then we're losing our fire. And we won't be ready for
what comes upon the world in these last days.
How do we
maintain the joy of the Lord? We do it the same way we obtained his joy
in the beginning: First, we love, honor and hunger excitedly for God's
word. Second, we continually walk in repentance. And third, we separate
ourselves from all worldly influences. This is how a Holy Ghost person
or church maintains "Jesus joy" - rejoicing always, full of gladness and
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