Monday, April 16, 2012



Oh Glory to GOD! What a Great 'Text' We Find Here, in Galatians chapter 3, Concerning 'MESSIAH', THE “SEED” of Abraham! Beloved, Here is a 'Shining' Example of Why We 'Need' the "WHOLE WORD OF GOD", in order to Rightly 'Comprehend' the Big Picture, Concerning GOD’S Eternal 'Plans & Purposes' for Adam’s Race! And if There’s 'One' Thing That I Desire to Accomplish today Brethren, it is to Get Us to See, that GOD’S Amazing "Plan of Redemption" for Mankind 'Culminates' in a "DIVINE PERSON", that is, a 'Specific', Particular “SEED!” So, Let’s Endeavor together today, to 'Identify' This "SEED" and to See 'Why' it is So Vitally Important for 'Every' Human Being to Come to a Correct 'Apprehension' of this Incredible "TRUTH!" 5 Things Absolutely Demand our Attention here:

First, Notice “WHO” Received The PROMISE: Paul says, “NOW TO ABRAHAM!” Alright, 'Observe' Here, How the 'SCRIPTURE' Points Us “Back” to the Great Patriarch Abraham, in an 'Attempt' to Make Us Inquire “What” is Was, About 'This' Man, that Made Him “Eligible” in GOD’S Eyes, to 'Receive' the Greatest "PROMISE" Ever Given to Man! The Passage 'Pointed' to is Genesis 12:3 which Says, “IN 'THEE' SHALL ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE 'EARTH' BE BLESSED!” Now, What We Must Ask is, “WHY” Did 'Abraham' Receive this 'MESSIANIC' Promise? And We Find the 'Answer' in Genesis 15:6 Where the BIBLE Says, “AND HE 'BELIEVED' IN THE LORD, AND HE 'COUNTED' IT TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS!” Listen Beloved, “FAITH” Was the 'KEY', Which Unlocked the “Blessings of Heaven” to Abraham, and to HIS “SEED!” He Simply “BELIEVED” What GOD 'Said', and He Was “Counted” Righteous!!!

But Secondly, Notice Who “ELSE” Received the PROMISE: The Apostle writes, “NOW TO ABRAHAM, 'AND' TO HIS SEED!” Now, See Here, How Abraham Had “ONE” Other 'Person', Who Would be 'Recipient' to the "Promises" of GOD, and that is HIS “SEED!” Beloved, the 'SCRIPTURE' Here Points 'Forward' 2000 Years, to a COMING “SEED”, which would Be a 'Physical Descendant' of Abraham, 'IN' WHOM “ALL” THE 'PROMISES' OF GOD Would Be "FULFILLED!" Now, Here’s What I 'Need' You to Understand Dear One: This 'Abrahamic' Covenant, Was Made Between “3” People, Not One, Not Two, But "Three!" Listen Carefully Now, 'Before' We Go Any Further, We Must 'Identify' the “3” Parties Involved: first, we Have 'GOD THE FATHER', second, we Have 'ABRAHAM', and third, we Have "GOD THE SON!" Trust me for now, We’ll Come Back to this!

But Thirdly, Notice the “PROMISE” Itself: Paul says, “NOW TO ABRAHAM, AND TO HIS SEED, WERE THE 'PROMISES' MADE!” Question: “WHAT” is the PROMISE(S) 'Made' to Abraham? Well, The Answer is 2-Fold: First, to the 'JEWS', the Promised "Land" (Gen 15:18-21), the Promised "Kingdom" (Exod 19:6), the Promised "Throne" (II Samuel 7:13), and a Promised "KING" (II Chron 7:18); but Secondly, to the 'GENTILES', the PROMISE of "Salvation" Available to "ALL THE WORLD" (Genesis 12:3)! But Again, We Must be 'Reminded', that These "Promises" Were Only 'Made' to “2” People: 'Abraham', and His One Specific Individual "SEED" to Come!!!

Fourthly, Notice the “EXCLUSION” of All Others: Paul writes, “NOW TO 'ABRAHAM', AND TO HIS 'SEED', WERE THE 'PROMISES' MADE; HE SAITH NOT, AND TO 'SEEDS', AS OF MANY!” OK, Now We Find GOD “Narrowing” Down the 'Place' of Divine Blessing to 'One' Individual "SEED!" Listen, Abraham “Fathered” Other 'Races' & Nationalities, "BUT" The 'PROMISES' Were Never Bestowed Upon 'Any' of Those Other Nations! Paul Said, “NEITHER IS THERE SALVATION IN 'ANY' OTHER!” Beloved, Whether or Not You 'Realize' it, We Are 'Under' the Abrahamic 'Covenant' (which is a “FAITH” Covenant), "Not" the 'Mosaic', or the 'Noahic', or the 'Davidic', or the "Adamic!" We're In "COVENANT" With the SAME "GOD" That "ABRAHAM" WAS!!! And We 'STAND' in the SAME "FAITH" that Abraham Stood In!!!

But Fifthly, Finally, Notice the “PLACE” of BLESSING: Paul says, “NOW TO ABRAHAM, 'AND' TO HIS SEED, WERE THE 'PROMISES' MADE; HE SAITH NOT, AND TO SEEDS, AS OF MANY; BUT AS OF 'ONE', AND TO THY 'SEED', WHICH IS CHRIST!” Oh Now Don’t Miss This Saints; the "HOLY SPIRIT" Here, Through the Apostle’s Pen, Intentionally 'Pin-Points' the Very “PLACE” of Blessing, Where "ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD" ARE TO BE FOUND: “THY SEED, WHICH 'IS' CHRIST!” Did You "SEE" It??? Ok Now, Let’s Bring it All 'Together' in Closing: vs 20 is the Key! It says, “NOW A 'MEDIATOR' IS NOT A MEDIATOR OF 'ONE', BUT 'GOD' IS ONE!” Listen Carefully Beloved Believers: the "HOLY SPIRIT" uses the Example of “Moses” being a 'Mediator' Between “GOD” and the “Children of ISRAEL” in vs 19! Ok, You Have “3” Parties: GOD, Moses, and the ISRAELITES! But, vs 20 'Points' Us to 'Another' COVENANT (Completely 'Separate' From the Mosaic), Also Including “3” Parties, BUT there is a Great 'Difference', Because THESE “3” Parties Add Up to “2”, Not “3!” Watch, he Says that Abraham was A “Mediator” Between “GOD THE FATHER” and “GOD THE SON!” But How? Watch, Verse 17, “AND THIS I SAY, THAT THE 'COVENANT', THAT WAS 'CONFIRMED' BEFORE OF GOD 'IN' CHRIST, THE 'LAW' WHICH WAS 430 YEARS AFTER, 'CANNOT' DISANNUL, THAT IT SHOULD MAKE THE 'PROMISE' OF NONE EFFECT!!!” What? What Covenant? Verse 16 TELLS US: "TO ABRAHAM, AND TO HIS 'SEED'…WHICH 'SEED' IS CHRIST!!!" Now, Adding it All Up: 'GOD' THE FATHER, MAKES CERTAIN “IRREVOCABLE” PROMISES TO GOD THE 'SON', THROUGH “ABRAHAM” AS 'MEDIATOR', ALL GLORY TO GOD!!! Beloved Did You "SEE" It??? The "NEW COVENANT" Is NOT BETWEEN "GOD AND PEOPLE" but BETWEEN "GOD AND HIS SON!!!" And THAT IS "WHY" YOU MUST BE "IN HIS SON" IN ORDER TO MAKE HEAVEN YOUR ETERNAL "HOME!!!" So, My Word to You today: OUR ETERNAL “POSITION” IN CHRIST JESUS, "OBTAINS" FOR US, THE ETERNAL "PROMISES" OF GOD THE FATHER, THROUGH THE INSTRUMENTALITY OF "FAITH!!!" Blessings to All, and Shalom...
God’s Guarantee

There is a beautiful story about a rich man’s rare collections.

Read the full story at The Painting of The Son or Read below for an overview.


One day a rich man’s rare collections were set for auction. Many people gathered in his mansion to acquire the best items.

The first item the auctioneer selected was an old painting of the rich man’s son. However, many didn’t like that painting and decided to wait for the best items. But an old man chose to go for the old painting. Since there was no competitor, he got it for a very low price.

When everyone was impatiently waiting for the next item to be called out, the auctioneer suddenly decided to close the auction. Angrily, the people demanded why he was closing the auction.The auctioneer politely replied that according to the rich man’s Will, the one who gets the old painting of the son also receives all other items of the rare collections!


According to God’s Will, everyone who receives His Son, Jesus Christ, also inherits all the heavenly blessings mentioned in the Scriptures (Ephesians 1:3). Thats God’s Guarantee.

The Spirit of God within us helps us to experience all of God’s promises. That is why it is written, “His presence within us is God’s guarantee that He really will give us all that He promised…” Ephesians 1:14 (TLNT).

There was a divine exchange that has happened through the cross. Jesus took our sins, sickness, poverty, curse, and spiritual death and generously gave us forgiveness, healing, prosperity, blessings and eternal life.

As we walk with Christ daily, we experience His presence within us. We shall have whatever He promised to give us.

As we study the life of Jesus, it’s very clear that many tried to stop Him from reaching His destiny. But He won every time and fulfilled His Father’s plan. Jesus is with you to make you a winner. You will never miss your bright destiny.

If someone tries to put you down, God will take care of that. He has got an awesome plan for your life. You don’t need to be afraid of bad circumstances. God will work out everything for your good.


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