I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong
-- that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.
I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that I planned many times to come to you
(but have been prevented from doing so until now)
in order that I might have a harvest among you,
just as I have had among the other Gentiles. (NIV)
Paul longed to visit the believers in Rome because he wanted them to grow up in Christ.
We do not know what 'spiritual gift' he wanted to give them,
but he knew it would enable them to be more confident in Jesus.
And Paul would also be encouraged by seeing the grace of God
operating in a new way in and through the church.
Paul also wanted to see a 'harvest'.
The seed of God's Word grows inside people to produce fruit:
Christ-like qualities of character in believers and
new spiritual life as unbelievers are born again.
Paul's ambition was to see the life of Christ grow and spread everywhere,
and he wanted to go to Rome to preach the gospel.
He fully expected that whenever he spoke of Christ,
people would respond and be changed by God's Spirit.
Spiritual ambition should be an important part of a Christian's life -
a strong desire for God to be at work in people's lives,
and a willingness to work with Him to enable His kingdom to grow.
Alas many of our desires are focussed on our own interests,
hoping that our own little 'kingdoms' will be built up -
they are selfish ambitions.
So much giftedness, money and energy go into making
ourselves important, when it could be used to help
produce a spiritual harvest.
Everyone who claims to follow Jesus should regularly assess their ambitions.
" Are yours selfish or spiritual ? "
The test will be the sort of harvest which comes from your life.
Prayer for the day : -
Dear Lord.
Thank You for those people who sacrificed their own ambitions
so that I could hear about Jesus and learn to grow up in my faith.
I am sorry for giving in to the temptation to focus on my own interests,
and forget the call of Jesus to help others develop their trust in Him.
Please give me a new desire,
a new spiritual ambition
to see Your kingdom come and
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
a new spiritual ambition
to see Your kingdom come and
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
" 27 Reasons for Unanswered Prayer "
“The man who turns away from the truth lest he should get to know it,
will not receive answers to prayer.” (Proverbs 28:9)
1. Refusing to hear the truth (Prov. 28:9)
2. Tempting or provoking God (Dt. 3:26)
3. Lack of charity or love to others (Prov. 21:13)
4. Lack of humility (2 Chron. 7:14)
5. A hardened heart (Zech. 7:12, 13)
6. Forsaking God (2 Chron.15:2)
7. Praying amiss (wrong motives) (James 4:3)
8. Regarding iniquity (Ps. 66:18)
9. Unbelief (Mt. 17:20,21; Mt. 21:22)
10. Marital strife (I Pet.3:7)
11. Parading your prayer-life (Mt. 5:6)
12. Sin (Ja. 4:1-5; Is. 59:2; John 9:31)
13. Vain (useless) repetitions. (Mt. 6:7)
14. Being discouraged (Lk. 18:1-8)
15. Doubt and double-mindedness (Ja. 1:5-8)
16. Anxiety and worry (Phil. 4:6)
17. Hypocrisy (Lk. 18:9-14)
18. Un forgiveness (Mt. 6:14, 15; Mk. 11:25, 26)
19. Not tithing (Mal. 3:8,9,10)
20. Rebellion against God’s Word (Prov. 1:24-28; Zech. 7:11-14)
21. Presumption and pride (Luke 18:10-14)
22. Un confessed sin (Ps. 66:18)
23. Demonic attack (Daniel 10: 10)
24. Lack of sincerity (Mt. 6:5)
25. Being unsaved (an unbeliever) (John 17)
26. Curses (Deut. 28)
27. Willful stubbornness (Jer. 16:12,13)
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