Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blessed Presence.


Oh My Goodness What a 'Lesson' JESUS Gives Us Here Beloved, Concerning 'What' to Do 'When' We Find Ourselves In the 'Midst' of a Storm! I Want us to Look at “7” Particulars from this verse today as We 'Learn' From The MASTER:

First, Notice “WHO” HE Appeared to: Mark says, “FOR THEY 'ALL' SAW HIM!” Now, this is Really 'Interesting' to me, Because the SCRIPTURE is Careful to 'Record' that “ALL” of the Disciples “SAW” JESUS, But 'Not' All of them “RECOGNIZED” HIM! Did You 'Hear' Me? Now Get the Picture here: JESUS, has 'Sent' His Faithful Followers Into the 'Midst' of the Sea of Galilee, "Knowing" that They Would 'Encounter' a Great Storm! Verse 48 says, “AND THE WIND WAS 'CONTRARY' UNTO THEM!” Listen to me, The 'WIND' Was Blowing "AGAINST THEM!" They Were “ALL” in “TURMOIL” verse 48 says, But JESUS “APPEARS” to Them “ALL!” What’s My Point? It’s Simple: Beloved Dear One, 'When' You Find Yourself in the 'Midst' of a Great Storm, I’m Here to Tell You that 'JESUS' is Going to “APPEAR” to You!!! Question: “WHO” Sent Them “INTO” The STORM??? Answer: "JESUS DID!" Question: “WHY” Do You Suppose HE Would Play Such a 'Mean' Trick on HIS Own "Followers?" Answer: "BECAUSE JESUS WANTS TO 'SHOW' THEM WHO HE IS, AND 'WHAT' HE CAN DO!!!"

But Secondly, Notice Their “LACK” of “RECOGNITION!” Mark writes, “FOR THEY 'ALL' SAW HIM, AND WERE 'SORE' TROUBLED!” What? Wait a Minute Now Mark! They Were “TROUBLED???” Question: “WHY” Would a 'Christian' Be “TROUBLED” When JESUS "Shows Up" In the Midst of Their "Storm?" Answer: BECAUSE THEY DO NOT “RECOGNIZE” HIM!!! Listen Church, I’m Afraid that 'Most' of the Time, When GOD "Shows Up" in Our Trial, We Don’t 'Perceive' HIS "Presence!" Did You Know that GOD Will Often "Show Up" in the 'Strangest' Ways Imagineable? Yup, it’s True, JESUS Will Quite Frequently 'Come' to Us through the Voice of a "4" year Old Child! HE Can 'Give' us Direction Through a Dear Old Woman on Her "Death-Bed!" HE is Able to 'Send' Us Great Sums of Money 'through' a Total "Stranger!" HE Can Make the 'Darkest' Clouds & Tempest Turn into a "Bright Shiny Day!" Beloved, The Question is: Do 'We' RECOGNIZE “HIM” WHEN HE SHOWS UP???

But Thirdly, Notice “WHEN” JESUS Showed Up: Mark writes, “FOR THEY ALL SAW HIM, AND WERE TROUBLED; AND IMMEDIATELY!” Oh Me Oh My Saints, I Hope You’re 'Hearing' the SCRIPTURE Today! Observe the 'Beauty' of this Text: THEY WERE "TROUBLED" & JESUS “IMMEDIATELY” CAME!!! Listen Beloved: 'Whenever' You are “TROUBLED” about Anything at All, You Can 'KNOW' For Sure that JESUS Will “IMMEDIATELY” Come to Your Aid! HE’S A VERY "PRESENT HELP" IN TROUBLE, David Said!

But Fourthly, Notice “WHAT” JESUS 'DOES' When HIS Children Are In a Storm: The Apostle says, “FOR THEY ALL SAW HIM, AND WERE TROUBLED; AND IMMEDIATELY HE 'TALKED' WITH THEM!” What? Did You 'Hear' That? Listen Now, As 'Soon' as They Were Troubled, JESUS “TALKED” TO THEM!!! Beloved, JESUS Will “Speak” to Your HEART, Your 'INNER' Man, "When" You Become 'Troubled' Over Life’s Difficult Circumstances! Elijah said in I Kings 19:12, “AND AFTER THE 'WIND' AN EARTHQUAKE; BUT THE LORD WAS NOT 'IN' THE EARTHQUAKE: AND AFTER THE 'EARTHQUAKE' A FIRE; BUT THE LORD WAS NOT 'IN' THE FIRE: AND AFTER THE 'FIRE' A STILL 'SMALL' VOICE!” And verse 13 says, “AND 'WHEN' ELIJAH 'HEARD' IT!” Dear One, Do You 'Have' Ears to “HEAR” THE 'VOICE' OF JESUS IN YOUR "STORM???"

And Fifthly, Notice HIS “MESSAGE” To Them: Mark writes, “FOR THEY ALL SAW HIM, AND WERE TROUBLED; AND IMMEDIATELY HE 'TALKED' WITH THEM, AND 'SAITH' UNTO THEM, BE OF 'GOOD' CHEER!” Oh Glory, How I 'Love' This Message From "JESUS!" Listen Now, The "STORM" Was STILL RAGING, But 'JESUS' Says “BE OF GOOD CHEER!!!” Don’t Give Up!!! Don’t Quit Now!!! Don’t Be Discouraged!!! Lift Your Head 'Up' and "LOOK UNTO THE HILLS" FROM WHENCE 'COMETH' YOUR HELP!!! But You Say “How Can I Be of 'Good Cheer' When I’m Going Through Such Turmoil?” Answer: "JESUS SAID YOU CAN!!!”



Thursday, April 26, 2012


" The Perspective Key "

Perspective is a vital part of the walk of faith. 

Perspective is defined as ones point of view, belief or opinion.  

It is very important that we have the same point of view as
God has about our life, our children and our situations. 

Now, I am not saying it is easy to see things as God sees them,
it will take practice but it can be accomplished.

Jesus only did what He saw the Father do -
He only said what He heard the Father say -
He was in continual agreement with God's perspective. 

As I was doing a Bible search on the word 'perspective' 
it was interesting to find that the only translation I could locate that had several scriptures
with the word 'perspective' in it was the Jewish Bible. 

Jewish people understand the importance of seeing things from God's perspective.

Do you recall when Jesus was telling the disciples all that
He would suffer and eventually die in Matthew 16?

If so, you will remember how Peter said 'no way this is going to happen to You, Jesus.' 

Jesus replied 'Get behind me Satan; you are an offense to Me,
for you are not mindful of the things of God but the things of men.'

I have read this scripture many times, but today I read it
in a different translation and it shed a whole new light -
in the New Living Translation it says 'Get away from me, Satan! 

You are a dangerous trap to me. 
You are seeing things merely from a human point of view and not from God's.' 

The Jewish Bible states it like this; Get behind me Satan ! 
You are an obstacle in my path,
because your thinking is from a human perspective and not from God's perspective.'

We can see from these two translations - when we see things from a natural or man's point of view -
or perspective, it is an obstacle and a dangerous trap. 

It was a difference in perspective that caused the ten spies to return to Moses with a bad report,
while Joshua and Caleb declared in faith 'we are well able to overcome and possess the land.'  

The ten saw from man's perspective, which became an obstacle to them and they never entered
 into the Promised Land and it was certainly a dangerous trap for them to speak out
of their mouth because it sealed their fate forever.

Perspective is vital in the Kingdom of God. 

How you see things will determine much of your outcome because
you will react based on what you perceive.

Do you remember when Elisha asked God to open the eyes of his servant? 

You see, the servant was afraid, terrified, because he was seeing from man's point of view
 and not seeing as God sees - but God opened his eyes and he saw that
 there was indeed more with them than with their enemy.

You see, that is always God's perspective -when an enemy comes against you -
God always sees that there is more with you than with them. 
God always sees that you have the upper hand because
He has the upper hand and He dwells in you. 

Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. 

The Bible even says that God sits in the heavens and laughs at the enemy
because God knows the outcome -
wouldn't it be great if we simply laughed at the enemy when he came against us? 

We would...if we saw from God's perspective.

God always sees you healed and whole. 
God always sees you prosperous and abounding to every good work. 
God always sees you as righteous. 
God sees you as victorious and triumphant because you are in Christ and Christ is in you -
the question is, do you see from God's perspective?

Do you see yourself healed and whole and prosperous? 
Do you see a great outcome for your life, a wonderful future? 
Do you see your children walking with the Lord and being a blessing around the world?  God does. 

Today, I ask that you seek God for His perspective,
His point of view, opinion and belief concerning you. 

Then you choose to agree with His perspective.

His perspective will take you into the Promised Land -
it will take you into the Eden Blessing. 

It will cause you to be at peace in the midst of storms knowing that He is with you -
He who calms the seas is with you.

His perspective will enable you to walk through the fires of life
without even the smell of smoke. 

His perspective will cause the Red Sea to part on your behalf. 
Seeing as He sees - it's vital in the Kingdom of God.

Let me pray for you today : -
Father, just as Elisha asked you that day, many years ago,
I ask you to open the eyes of everyone reading this motivation today
and cause them to see as you see. 

Cause them to see the great host of angels that surround them. 
Cause them to see the harvest from their giving springing forth and coming to them. 

Cause them to see their children serving you. 
Cause them to see that you, O God, are with them and no weapon can prosper against them. 

Cause them to see that you love them with a never-ending love. 

Open their eyes God - this day and cause them to see what you see,
I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

And I say 'so be it.' 


" Confessions for Healing  "

Through the word of God, life is imparted to me. 
That life restores my body with every breath I breathe and every word I speak. 

 Jesus bore the curse for me; therefore I forbid growths and tumors to inhabit my body. 
The life of God within me dissolves growths and tumors and my strength and health are restored. 

Every organ and tissue of my body functions in the perfection that God created it to function. 
I forbid any malfunction in my body in Jesus name. 


Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of.
Play it safe and end up holding the bag. Luke 19:26 (MSG)
Jesus once told the story of a master who asked three servants
to handle his money while he was away.
He gave each of them a sum of money, and when he returned,
the first servant told the master he’d doubled the money
through investments, and the second said he’d made fifty percent
profit for the master.
But the third servant, in essence, said he’d been afraid
the master would punish him for making mistakes
so he hid the money in the cellar until the master returned.
The master rewarded the first two servants,
saying those who handle small matters well will be given
greater responsibility.
But he rebuked the third servant, saying,
“Risk your life and get more than you ever dreamed of.
Play it safe and end up holding the bag” (Luke 19:26 MSG).
We move forward in faith when we take risks,
not just any kind of risk, but ones that are specifically directed by God.
These God-nudges push us beyond living life by
sight so that we will live life by faith.
When we do not live by faith, we live faithlessly.
Any decision independent of God is a faithless decision.
Jesus expressed his faith when he said:
“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself;
he can do only what he sees his Father doing,
because whatever the Father does the Son also does”
(John 5:19 NIV).
" Never Settle for Less "

 power sunset
            This past week I was thinking about something, God had asked me if I wanted to have this one particular thing;
I thought about it for days and realized that while I did like this thing,
if I could choose it wouldn't be my first choice, it would be my 'settled for.'

            You see, God taught me years ago if what you have in hand is not exactly what you asked Him for,
it is your settled for.  Now, some people may be content with their 'settled-for' but I am not one of them. 
            Lately I feel God attempting to pull me up higher in my thoughts and expectations and that is causing me
to take a hard look at many things in my thinking. 
I am seeing strongholds that need tearing down; I am seeing mindsets that don't line up with the word of God.
            I am so thankful that He is doing this, He could leave me like I am and allow me to settle for less than what He has for me,
but He loves me too much therefore He will pull me up higher until I see me and my life as He sees me and my life.

            I read a scripture today in the Message Bible in 2 Corinthians 5:26. 
It says 'God puts a little heaven in our heart so we never settle for less.' 
That is exactly what I am feeling. 
It also reminds me of the scripture that says 'he feeds us with manna and causes us to hunger.'

            What is this saying?  It is saying that God will put a little of His provision,
His ways, His abundance, His will in our hearts so we don't settle for something less than what He has for us.
            Perhaps you are thinking that it is not God's will for everyone to prosper and have His best. 

I beg to differ.  God makes His will plain in Matthew 6:10 in this very familiar verse of scripture.
            Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. 
Let's take a look at a few of these words.  
The word 'kingdom' means God's power and dominion, His royal power, the territory in which a King dwells and rules. 

The word 'come' means to come from one place to another and to be established. 
The word 'will' means what God has determined will be and His purpose to bless mankind. 
            In other word, God's royal power and dominion will come from His place to our place and establish His desire to bless us. 

Bless us how?  What is His will to bless mankind? 
By causing things to be ON EARTH as they are IN HEAVEN.
             In earth we have sickness and disease.  In earth we have lack, recession and famine. 
In earth we have chaos and turmoil...not so in heaven.  There is no sickness, no lack, no famine and to chaos. 

It is God's will for your life to reflect what is in heaven.  That is HIS WILL for you.
If you are living in anything less, it is NOT His will -
His will is that things be in your world just like they are in His.
            We should never be pleased to dwell in a level of existence lower than that which God has made it possible for us to dwell in. 

We should instead strive to be the best we can be and reach the highest levels we can reach. 
To do or settle for less is to be unfaithful stewards of the life given to us through the cross of Christ.
            On earth as it is in heaven...that is God's will for us. 
Is that what you are seeing in your own life, heaven on earth? 

No?  then press on, move upward, press in until you see it -
it is His will and if it is His will then He has the ability to bring it to pass,
don't you think?  Heaven on earth...settle for no less. 
Never, never settle for less than what God has said is yours...never.


" Confessions for Blessings "
light house
 I am a blessing.  I am blessed and my name is great.  Genesis 12:2

God has blessed those who bless me and cursed those who curse me. 
All families on the earth are blessed through me. 
Genesis 12:3

I have received all the blessings of Abraham in Christ. 
I will surely become a great and powerful nation and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through me.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:6 NLT)
Anytime we demonstrate faith, we’re relying on something.
When you sit in a chair, you’re relying on the chair’s manufacturer to produce something that will hold you up.
When you’re on the freeway, you’re relying on every other driver around you.
" Faith in God means we rely on him and depend on his reliability ".
Having faith means realizing that God is bigger, greater, and better than me – and he loves me greatly.
Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death” (NLT).
That's the problem with relying on yourself.
We’re often wrong.
Human intuition is not always reliable.
In fact, it’s just good enough to make us think we’re right –
even when we’re not.
Genuine faith is relying on God's direction and on who he is.
" God is reliable"
He knows what you need, and he wants to meet those needs.
Unfortunately, we think we know better.
We think we have a better plan.
We want to use our logic and get to the answer in a way that makes us look good – and doesn’t require risk.
But God wants us to grow,
so he takes us a different way.
Many times in Scripture, God asks us to do what doesn’t make sense to our logic.
For example, Mark 10:43 says, “Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant” (NLT).
To most people, that verse doesn’t make sense; you’d think great people would have others serving them.
Jesus says it’s the other way around – the great people are the ones serving others.
I need to trust what God says about greatness,
not what I think.
God also says we’re to honor him by giving the first 10 percent of our income back to him.
By our reason, that doesn’t make much sense to us.
But we’re to lean on God’s understanding, not our own.
" Because we trust him,
we obey what he says –
even if it doesn’t make sense to us ".

" Commit Yourself to "Clap and Cheer"

Little Jamie Scott was trying out for a part in his school play.

His mother knew he had his heart set on being in the play, but she feared he wouldn't be chosen.

On the day the parts were awarded, apprehensively she picked him up after school.

To her surprise, Jamie came rushing out, his eyes shining with pride and excitement.

"Guess what, Mom!" he shouted. "I have a part! I've been chosen to clap and cheer."

God calls some of us to be in the limelight; others He calls to "clap and cheer."

At this point in his life, Joshua was asked to do the latter.

It would be 40 years before he became the leader of Israel.

In the meantime, he was a supporter and assistant to Moses.

And he did it well.

Whether it was battling with the Amalekites (Exodus 17:10)
or providing moral support as Moses met with the Lord on Mount Sinai,
Joshua served the Lord by being an encouragement to the His servant.

Those whom God calls to serve Him in leadership face many challenges.
Often they carry deep responsibilities and heavy spiritual burdens.
At times they are the target of malicious gossip or hurtful behavior.

You can understand how important it is that they have around them some
mature believers who are there to "clap and cheer" for them.

What a blessing such encouragement can be!
Have you given any thought to how you might be an encouragement
to the servants of God whom you know?

Who encourages your pastor or his wife?
Who cheers on the Sunday school teacher
or the workers at the homeless shelter?

What can you do today to lighten their load and lift their spirits?

Too many are prone to criticize and complain.

Perhaps God has a part for you.

Commit yourself to "clap and cheer" and you'll be the hit of the play.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blessed Presence of the Holy Ghost.

I like to make a few remarks of a practical tendency and of deep interest, on the effects of the presence of the Holy Ghost in the Christian:

The Spirit of God, as dwelling in us, may be considered in two aspects: for He unites us to the Lord Jesus, so that His presence is intimately connected with life, that life which is in Jesus; John 14:19, 20; Gal. 2:20. “He that is joined unto the Lord is one Spirit”; and further, His presence is that of God in the soul. The scripture, speaking of Him in the first of these characters (which is sometimes linked to the second), says (Rom. 8:2, 9, 10), that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus frees us from the law of sin; so that the Spirit is life because of righteousness. It is, however, also said (v. 9), “if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you”; and then His in-dwelling and action are blended, since (inasmuch as both are manifested by the formation of the character of Christ in the soul) “the Spirit of God” becomes “the Spirit of Christ.”

Now, The “Christ in you” of verse 10 expresses the idea more clearly, especially as the apostle adds, “if Christ be in you, the Spirit is life” But in verse 16 the Holy Ghost is carefully distinguished from the Christian, for “He beareth witness with our spirit.” In verses 26 and 27 the two characters of the presence of the Spirit are there remarkably shewn out in their mutual connections: for “the mind of the Spirit,” known to God, who searches the heart, is the life of the Spirit in the saint. But, on the other hand, “the Spirit helpeth our infirmities,” and “maketh intercession for the saints, according to the will of God.” The reason of all this is simple. On the one hand, the Spirit is there and acts with power according to the mind of Christ; on the other hand, and in consequence of this operation, the affections, thoughts, and works, are produced, which are those of the Spirit; but yet they are also ours, because we are partakers of them with Christ, “our life” (Col. 3:2, 3), for “God hath given us eternal life, and this Hfe is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life.”

But the effect of the second aspect of the presence of the Holy Ghost is yet more important. The Spirit is the Spirit of God; He is God, and is, therefore, the revelation of the presence and power of God in the soul—a revelation known through and in a new nature which is of Him. Consequently, that which is in the nature and character of God is developed where God dwells, i.e., in the soul of the saint; not only is it produced in the new man, the creation of God, but it fills the soul, because God is there, and there is communion with Him. For instance, the new nature loves, and this love is a proof that one is “born of God,” and knows God.

But this is not all; there is, moreover, the in-dwelling of the Holy Ghost—that is to say, the presence of the God who communicates this new nature to us. Therefore we read (Rom. 5:5) “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us.” We are loved—we know it, and have the proof of it in the gift of the precious Saviour, and in His death for us (v. 6-8). But there is something more; the perfect and infinite love shed abroad in our hearts (poor vessels as they are), and the Holy Spirit, who is God, is there (and is free to be there, because we are purified by the blood of Christ)—He is there to fill these vessels with that which is divine—the love of God. It is also added (v. 11), that we joy in God. Therefore, looking at the presence of the Spirit as demonstration of power in the soul, the apostle John affirms that “hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us,” 1 John 3:24. But, as this might be applied merely to the varied energy of the Spirit in the soul, it is stated, farther on, that “love is made perfect in us,” namely, the love of God to us. Here it is no longer a question of us, of our affections, of our thoughts; but the soul is filled with the fulness of God, which leaves no room for anything else; there is no discord in the heart, to spoil the essential character of divine love. God, complete in Himself, excludes all that is contrary to Himself; otherwise He would be no longer Himself.

To avoid mysticism (the enemy’s corruption of these truths) the Holy Ghost adds by the same pen, “herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us” (1 John 4:10); and the proof of this is based on that which is above all human thought and knowledge, namely, on the acts of God Himself in Christ. On the other hand, the presence of the Spirit is not given him as the proof of God’s dwelling in us, two things which are identical, but it is written, “hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.” This presence of God in love not only fills our narrow souls, but places us in Him who is infinite in love. United to Christ by the Holy Ghost, one in life with Him, and the Spirit acting in us, “we dwell in God, and God in us.” Therefore it is said that “God has given us of his Spirit”; that is to say, God, in virtue of His presence and of His power, makes us morally partakers of His nature and character, by the Holy Ghost in us, whilst giving us the enjoyment of communion with Himself, and at the same time introducing us into His fulness.

I would here just point out the distinctive characters of the epistles of Paul, Peter, and John. Paul was raised up in an extraordinary manner for the especial purpose of communicating to the Church the order, method, and sovereignty of the divine operations; and to reveal the place which the Church holds in the midst of all this, inasmuch as she is united to Christ, and is the marvellous object of the counsels of God in grace; as the apostle says (Eph. 2:7), “that in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus,” or by His dealings with regard to the Church: the wisdom of God, the righteousness of His ways, and the counsels of His grace on this subject, are largely and (as all revelation) perfectly set forth in the writings of Paul. John takes up another point, that of the communication of the divine nature, what that nature is, and, consequently, what God is, whether in His living manifestations in Christ, or in the life which He communicates to others. Without this community of nature communion were impossible; for darkness can have no fellowship with light. But, as we have already seen, the apostle goes still farther: we dwell in God, and God in us, by the Holy Ghost; and thus, as far as we are capable of it, we enjoy what God is in Himself, and become the manifestation of Him (the limit to this manifestation being only in the vessel in which God has taken up His abode). How great are the varied riches of the goodness of God! This communion with Him, which raises us as far as possible towards the fulness of Him who reveals Himself in us, is certainly something very sweet and precious; but the tenderness of God toward us, poor pilgrims on the earth, and His faithful love, so needed in our weakness to carry us onward to the goal, are not less so.

The testimony of Peter, in his first epistle, treats of that which God is for the pilgrim, and of what the latter should be for God. The resurrection of the Messiah has set the pilgrim on his road; and thereon are presented the faithfulness of God, and the encouragement which His power gives to our hope by this resurrection of Christ the Son of the living God, though rejected of men; and lastly, the apostle speaks of the walk, the worship, and the service which flow from it.
John presents to us that which is most exalted in communion, or rather in the nature of communion; consequently, he does not touch on the subject of the Church, as an object of divine counsels, but of the divine nature.

Paul treats of that which is perfect, not in respect of communion, but of counsel. In his writings God is glorified more especially as the object of faith, though he speaks of communion too (Romans 5:5). Where, in the same chapter (v. 11), he speaks of God as the one in whom the Christian is to glory, he places Him before and not as in us—as the object for faith to lay hold of and not as dwelling in the heart.

This divine and infinite blessing—this love perfected in us, communicated by the presence of the Holy Ghost, and realized by our dwelling in God and He in us—has led some to think that, when this point is attained, the flesh can exist in us no longer j but this is to confound the vessel with the treasure placed in it, and of which it has the enjoyment. We are in the body which still awaits its redemption: only God can dwell in it, because of the sprinkling of the blood by faith. This sprinkling does not correct the flesh, but only renders testimony both to the perfection of the expected redemption and to the love to which we owe it.

When in real enjoyment of God, we may for a moment lose sight of the existence of the flesh, because then the soul (which is finite) is filled with that which is infinite. But even in these moments of blessedness one cannot doubt but that the flesh is an obstacle to the larger and more intelligent action of love. Paul, caught up into the third heaven (a privilege which the flesh would have used to puff him up with, and which made a thorn needful), is a proof to us that grace does not change the flesh. Alas! even the joy of which we are speaking, without watchful dependence upon Christ, gives dangerous occasions of action to the flesh, because there is so much littleness in us, that, forgetting who gives the joy, we lean on the feeling of the joy, instead of dwelling in Christ, the Fountain-head of it. Nevertheless, it is certain that the love of God, made perfect in us, is a reality, and the Christian is called to know God, and to enjoy Him as dwelling in Him.

I have but one more remark to make:
When we are full of the love of God, we enjoy it with a power that hinders our seeing anything, especially the objects of the goodness of God, save with the eye of divine love. But where there is a real knowledge of the existence and nature of this love of God, the walk will also be characterized by faith in that love, even though the heart may not realize the whole power of it; and, thus, we shall dwell in God and He in us. But since this fulness of joy can only be realized by the action of the Spirit, it is easy to understand that, if grieved, He will become a Spirit of reproof, judging the ingratitude with which such love, as the love of God is requited, instead of filling the heart with that love; though it is impossible for Him to cast a doubt upon it. It is evident that the love made perfect in us is the work of God; and this it is which forms the joy—the whole of the state. That which the Holy Ghost sheds abroad in our hearts is the love of God; and this love, powerful in our hearts, cannot but shew itself externally.

That which I have said does not, properly speaking, belong to the operations of the Holy Spirit, but the subject is of the greatest importance. And this importance, which is that of the fruits and grand results of the presence of the Holy Ghost (for by it the love of God and of Christ is glorified, as far as it is possible here below), seemed to render a few remarks upon this subject desirable.

May God bless them to the reader! May it please Him to realize in us the things of which I speak on the subject of revelation, and may He so bless as that the truth may have its full weight on the soul; so that we may know, with all the beloved Church of Christ, what it is to have the Holy Ghost dwelling in us according to the power of the love of God! Blessings to All, and Shalom...

Monday, April 16, 2012



Oh Glory to GOD! What a Great 'Text' We Find Here, in Galatians chapter 3, Concerning 'MESSIAH', THE “SEED” of Abraham! Beloved, Here is a 'Shining' Example of Why We 'Need' the "WHOLE WORD OF GOD", in order to Rightly 'Comprehend' the Big Picture, Concerning GOD’S Eternal 'Plans & Purposes' for Adam’s Race! And if There’s 'One' Thing That I Desire to Accomplish today Brethren, it is to Get Us to See, that GOD’S Amazing "Plan of Redemption" for Mankind 'Culminates' in a "DIVINE PERSON", that is, a 'Specific', Particular “SEED!” So, Let’s Endeavor together today, to 'Identify' This "SEED" and to See 'Why' it is So Vitally Important for 'Every' Human Being to Come to a Correct 'Apprehension' of this Incredible "TRUTH!" 5 Things Absolutely Demand our Attention here:

First, Notice “WHO” Received The PROMISE: Paul says, “NOW TO ABRAHAM!” Alright, 'Observe' Here, How the 'SCRIPTURE' Points Us “Back” to the Great Patriarch Abraham, in an 'Attempt' to Make Us Inquire “What” is Was, About 'This' Man, that Made Him “Eligible” in GOD’S Eyes, to 'Receive' the Greatest "PROMISE" Ever Given to Man! The Passage 'Pointed' to is Genesis 12:3 which Says, “IN 'THEE' SHALL ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE 'EARTH' BE BLESSED!” Now, What We Must Ask is, “WHY” Did 'Abraham' Receive this 'MESSIANIC' Promise? And We Find the 'Answer' in Genesis 15:6 Where the BIBLE Says, “AND HE 'BELIEVED' IN THE LORD, AND HE 'COUNTED' IT TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS!” Listen Beloved, “FAITH” Was the 'KEY', Which Unlocked the “Blessings of Heaven” to Abraham, and to HIS “SEED!” He Simply “BELIEVED” What GOD 'Said', and He Was “Counted” Righteous!!!

But Secondly, Notice Who “ELSE” Received the PROMISE: The Apostle writes, “NOW TO ABRAHAM, 'AND' TO HIS SEED!” Now, See Here, How Abraham Had “ONE” Other 'Person', Who Would be 'Recipient' to the "Promises" of GOD, and that is HIS “SEED!” Beloved, the 'SCRIPTURE' Here Points 'Forward' 2000 Years, to a COMING “SEED”, which would Be a 'Physical Descendant' of Abraham, 'IN' WHOM “ALL” THE 'PROMISES' OF GOD Would Be "FULFILLED!" Now, Here’s What I 'Need' You to Understand Dear One: This 'Abrahamic' Covenant, Was Made Between “3” People, Not One, Not Two, But "Three!" Listen Carefully Now, 'Before' We Go Any Further, We Must 'Identify' the “3” Parties Involved: first, we Have 'GOD THE FATHER', second, we Have 'ABRAHAM', and third, we Have "GOD THE SON!" Trust me for now, We’ll Come Back to this!

But Thirdly, Notice the “PROMISE” Itself: Paul says, “NOW TO ABRAHAM, AND TO HIS SEED, WERE THE 'PROMISES' MADE!” Question: “WHAT” is the PROMISE(S) 'Made' to Abraham? Well, The Answer is 2-Fold: First, to the 'JEWS', the Promised "Land" (Gen 15:18-21), the Promised "Kingdom" (Exod 19:6), the Promised "Throne" (II Samuel 7:13), and a Promised "KING" (II Chron 7:18); but Secondly, to the 'GENTILES', the PROMISE of "Salvation" Available to "ALL THE WORLD" (Genesis 12:3)! But Again, We Must be 'Reminded', that These "Promises" Were Only 'Made' to “2” People: 'Abraham', and His One Specific Individual "SEED" to Come!!!

Fourthly, Notice the “EXCLUSION” of All Others: Paul writes, “NOW TO 'ABRAHAM', AND TO HIS 'SEED', WERE THE 'PROMISES' MADE; HE SAITH NOT, AND TO 'SEEDS', AS OF MANY!” OK, Now We Find GOD “Narrowing” Down the 'Place' of Divine Blessing to 'One' Individual "SEED!" Listen, Abraham “Fathered” Other 'Races' & Nationalities, "BUT" The 'PROMISES' Were Never Bestowed Upon 'Any' of Those Other Nations! Paul Said, “NEITHER IS THERE SALVATION IN 'ANY' OTHER!” Beloved, Whether or Not You 'Realize' it, We Are 'Under' the Abrahamic 'Covenant' (which is a “FAITH” Covenant), "Not" the 'Mosaic', or the 'Noahic', or the 'Davidic', or the "Adamic!" We're In "COVENANT" With the SAME "GOD" That "ABRAHAM" WAS!!! And We 'STAND' in the SAME "FAITH" that Abraham Stood In!!!

But Fifthly, Finally, Notice the “PLACE” of BLESSING: Paul says, “NOW TO ABRAHAM, 'AND' TO HIS SEED, WERE THE 'PROMISES' MADE; HE SAITH NOT, AND TO SEEDS, AS OF MANY; BUT AS OF 'ONE', AND TO THY 'SEED', WHICH IS CHRIST!” Oh Now Don’t Miss This Saints; the "HOLY SPIRIT" Here, Through the Apostle’s Pen, Intentionally 'Pin-Points' the Very “PLACE” of Blessing, Where "ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD" ARE TO BE FOUND: “THY SEED, WHICH 'IS' CHRIST!” Did You "SEE" It??? Ok Now, Let’s Bring it All 'Together' in Closing: vs 20 is the Key! It says, “NOW A 'MEDIATOR' IS NOT A MEDIATOR OF 'ONE', BUT 'GOD' IS ONE!” Listen Carefully Beloved Believers: the "HOLY SPIRIT" uses the Example of “Moses” being a 'Mediator' Between “GOD” and the “Children of ISRAEL” in vs 19! Ok, You Have “3” Parties: GOD, Moses, and the ISRAELITES! But, vs 20 'Points' Us to 'Another' COVENANT (Completely 'Separate' From the Mosaic), Also Including “3” Parties, BUT there is a Great 'Difference', Because THESE “3” Parties Add Up to “2”, Not “3!” Watch, he Says that Abraham was A “Mediator” Between “GOD THE FATHER” and “GOD THE SON!” But How? Watch, Verse 17, “AND THIS I SAY, THAT THE 'COVENANT', THAT WAS 'CONFIRMED' BEFORE OF GOD 'IN' CHRIST, THE 'LAW' WHICH WAS 430 YEARS AFTER, 'CANNOT' DISANNUL, THAT IT SHOULD MAKE THE 'PROMISE' OF NONE EFFECT!!!” What? What Covenant? Verse 16 TELLS US: "TO ABRAHAM, AND TO HIS 'SEED'…WHICH 'SEED' IS CHRIST!!!" Now, Adding it All Up: 'GOD' THE FATHER, MAKES CERTAIN “IRREVOCABLE” PROMISES TO GOD THE 'SON', THROUGH “ABRAHAM” AS 'MEDIATOR', ALL GLORY TO GOD!!! Beloved Did You "SEE" It??? The "NEW COVENANT" Is NOT BETWEEN "GOD AND PEOPLE" but BETWEEN "GOD AND HIS SON!!!" And THAT IS "WHY" YOU MUST BE "IN HIS SON" IN ORDER TO MAKE HEAVEN YOUR ETERNAL "HOME!!!" So, My Word to You today: OUR ETERNAL “POSITION” IN CHRIST JESUS, "OBTAINS" FOR US, THE ETERNAL "PROMISES" OF GOD THE FATHER, THROUGH THE INSTRUMENTALITY OF "FAITH!!!" Blessings to All, and Shalom...
God’s Guarantee

There is a beautiful story about a rich man’s rare collections.

Read the full story at The Painting of The Son or Read below for an overview.


One day a rich man’s rare collections were set for auction. Many people gathered in his mansion to acquire the best items.

The first item the auctioneer selected was an old painting of the rich man’s son. However, many didn’t like that painting and decided to wait for the best items. But an old man chose to go for the old painting. Since there was no competitor, he got it for a very low price.

When everyone was impatiently waiting for the next item to be called out, the auctioneer suddenly decided to close the auction. Angrily, the people demanded why he was closing the auction.The auctioneer politely replied that according to the rich man’s Will, the one who gets the old painting of the son also receives all other items of the rare collections!


According to God’s Will, everyone who receives His Son, Jesus Christ, also inherits all the heavenly blessings mentioned in the Scriptures (Ephesians 1:3). Thats God’s Guarantee.

The Spirit of God within us helps us to experience all of God’s promises. That is why it is written, “His presence within us is God’s guarantee that He really will give us all that He promised…” Ephesians 1:14 (TLNT).

There was a divine exchange that has happened through the cross. Jesus took our sins, sickness, poverty, curse, and spiritual death and generously gave us forgiveness, healing, prosperity, blessings and eternal life.

As we walk with Christ daily, we experience His presence within us. We shall have whatever He promised to give us.

As we study the life of Jesus, it’s very clear that many tried to stop Him from reaching His destiny. But He won every time and fulfilled His Father’s plan. Jesus is with you to make you a winner. You will never miss your bright destiny.

If someone tries to put you down, God will take care of that. He has got an awesome plan for your life. You don’t need to be afraid of bad circumstances. God will work out everything for your good.


Thursday, April 12, 2012


It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and
only later to consider his vows. Proverbs 20:25 (NIV)
Have you ever ...
... promised to deliver by a set date and later regretted it?
... volunteered for a job you had no idea would take so long?
... agreed to a deal that looked great but wasn't ?
... accepted an invitation you wish you hadn't ?
Eventually, we all learn by experience a basic law of life: 
It's always easier to get in than get out
The Bible says, "It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly
and only later to consider his vows." (Proverbs 20:25, NIV)
There are three common commitment traps:
  • The Money Trap -- It's always easier to get into debt than out of debt! It's always easier to borrow than to pay it back.
  • The Partnership Trap -- It's always easier to get into a partnership, or a relationship, than to get out of one!
  • The Time Trap -- It's always easier to fill your schedule than to fulfill it! You can get so many irons in the fire that you put out the fire!
The solution: remember what the Bible says; 
" don't make rash vows ".
In other words, choose your commitments carefully; 
think before you speak; under-promise and over-deliver. 
With this, you'll build a reputation as a person of your word.