By John Varghese.
We all have trials, temptations and problems in our life. The Bible says in Psalms 34:19,
Here we see that even the righteous man also has troubles but fact is Lord delivers him
Our loving God is keeping us under His wings like this bird...Thank you Lord.
We all have trials, temptations and problems in our life. The Bible says in Psalms 34:19,
from them all. Think about Job, Joseph and Daniel. I sought the LORD, and he answered
me; he delivered me from all my fears.(Psalms 34:4)Again in verses 6 in the same
Psalm we read,"This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of
all his troubles."In your time of troubles or fears if seek Lord He will answer and deliver
you. If you call upon Him He will hear and save you out of the troubles. Amen. I like to
share with you now how our good GOD change our problems in to our blessings.
1. To Direct you in the right DIRECTION.
When the fire is burning then only some machines work properly, like wise when we go
through some fiery problems then only we think in Godly ways and understand God's deliverance .
[1.] It is supposed that they have their share of crosses in this world, perhaps a greater share than others. In the world they must have tribulation, that they may be conformed both to the will of God and to the example of Christ (v. 19); Many are the afflictions of the righteous, witness David and his afflictions, Ps. 132:1. There are those that hate them (v. 21) and they are continually aiming to do them a mischief; their God loves them, and therefore corrects them; so that, between the mercy of heaven and the malice of hell, the afflictions of the righteous must needs be many. [2.] God has engaged for their deliverance and salvation: He delivers them out of all their troubles (v. 17, 19); he saves them (v. 18), so that, though they may fall into trouble, it shall not be their ruin. This promise of their deliverance is explained, v. 22. Whatever troubles befall them, First, They shall not hurt their better part. The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants from the power of the grave (Ps. 49:15) and from the sting of every affliction. He keeps them from sinning in their troubles, which is the only thing that would do them a mischief, and keeps them from despair, and from being put out of the possession of their own souls. Secondly, They shall not hinder their everlasting bliss. None of those that trust in him shall be desolate; that is, they shall not be comfortless, for they shall not be cut off from their communion with God. No man is desolate but he whom God has forsaken, nor is any man undone till he is in hell. Those that are God's faithful servants, that make it their care to please him and their business to honour him, and in doing so trust him to protect and reward them, and, with good thoughts of him, refer themselves to him, have reason to be easy whatever befalls them, for they are safe and shall be happy.
In singing these verses let us be confirmed in the choice we have made of the ways of God; let us be quickened in his service, and greatly encouraged by the assurances he has given of the particular care he takes of all those that faithfully adhere to him.
2. To Inspect our own Spiritual Life.
When everything goes perfect we may not inspect ourselves, but when things go wrong we try to find out the reasons or even inspect ourselves where we went astray. In Psalm 119:67 we read, "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word."
David here tells us what he had experienced, 1. Of the temptations of a prosperous condition: "Before I was afflicted, while I lived in peace and plenty, and knew no sorrow, I went astray from God and my duty." Sin is going astray; and we are most apt to wander from God when we are easy and think ourselves at home in the world. Prosperity is the unhappy occasion of much iniquity; it makes people conceited of themselves, indulgent of the flesh, forgetful of God, in love with the world, and deaf to the reproofs of the word. See Ps. 30:6. It is good for us, when we are afflicted, to remember how and wherein we went astray before we were afflicted, that we may answer the end of the affliction. 2. Of the benefit of an afflicted state: "Now have I kept thy word, and so have been recovered from my wanderings." God often makes use of afflictions as a means to reduce those to himself who have wandered from him. Sanctified afflictions humble us for sin and show us the vanity of the world; they soften the heart, and open the ear to discipline. The prodigal's distress brought him to himself first and then to his father
3. To Correct ourselves.
In Psalm 119:71, we read, "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees"
It is good for me that I have been afflicted. Whatever may have been the form of the affliction, it was good for me. The design was benevolent; the result has been my own benefit. This will be the experience sooner or later resulting from all the afflictions of the righteous.
That I might learn thy statutes - That I might be brought more fully to understand what they require; and that I might be led to conform to them. It is implied here
(a) that this is the tendency of affliction; and
(b) that this is an advantage - a good.
Anything that will lead a man to obey God is a blessing and a favor. Whatever leads a sinner to secure the salvation of his soul is a gain to him. No matter what it may cost; no matter what he may be required to give up; no matter to what persecutions and troubles it may expose him; no matter what he may suffer, or how long he may suffer; no matter though poverty, contempt, toil - even the rack or the stake - may be the consequence of his religion - yet it is again to him; and he will be thankful for it in the end - for nothing that can be endured in this life can be compared with the sufferings of the world of despair; nothing on earth can be "compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us in heaven." Dear readers OUR PROBLEMS ARE A BLESSINGS IN DESGUISE.
Our loving God is keeping us under His wings like this bird...Thank you Lord.
1 comment:
Great reminder of the heavenly perspective of troubles that come our way. Thanks for sharing!
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