Read these Bible Portions. Gen.22:1-24, 1 Peter 5:1-14, Phil. 4:1-7, Mathew 6:25-34.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
1. Cast all your anxiety/burdens.
2. On Him/God.
3. He cares for you
INTRODUCTION: We all have anxieties/worries/burdens in our life though the Bible says do not worry. Concerning our life, when I get a good job, when I get marry and settle in nice home. What will I eat or drink?, what will I wear? as mentioned in Math.6:25-34. Now a days it may be where I will park my car, where I find a resting place or where I will sleep tonight. But we never think about the Lillis or lotus, not even about the birds or animals and the way God is taking care of them. It is must for we Christians must stop worrying and trust fully in our good God. By worrying we can't do anything good to us but we harm ourselves by bringing many diseases in our body. We are limiting our life as mentioned in Mat.6:27. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life. God asks not to worry. By worrying we can't do anything good but still we worry. Even the Old Testament Fathers also worried. I want to give the example of Abraham. In Gen.12 we see that God called Abraham, he obeyed. God gave promises he believed at the age of 75 (Gen 12:4) he got the promised son at the age of 100 (Gen 21:5) He waited a long time. In Gen 15:2 Abraham asks God what you given me I have no children. In Gen 17:5 God changed his name from Abram to Abraham and his wife's name from Sari to Sarah. Then God given the blessings and now he says he don't want Gen 17:8 Ishmael is enough but God said no and fulfilled His promise also. Abraham worried, he heard the advice of his wife and the problems are still continuing. God will bless us in His time, can we wait up on Him and for His time without worry/anxiety.
I. CAST ALL YOUR ANXIETIES: It is amazing how some people who suffer a lot worry very little, while others who suffer little worry a lot. Jesus says, do not worry in Math.6:25, literally stop being anxious. Paul says do not be anxious about anything in Phil.4:6.
A. Dangers of worrying: Physical. Medical experts says Ulcers, Headaches, Backaches, Blood pressure, Heart attacks, Depression are caused because of anxiety/worry. Spiritual. We focus only on ourselves and find little time for Prayer, Bible Study and have fellowship with God and other believers. Social. It affects our attitude towards others. When we are anxious we may use harsh words to our friends and others without any reason. Someone said "worrying is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere".
B. Turn our worries into prayer then we have the peace of God. Lay our worries in His shoulders/Hands. Peter says cast all your anxieties on Him.. After giving your worries to Him don't worry yourselves again. Because He cares for you and He is able to take care of your worries also.
C. Live one day at a time Math. 6:34. Worry too much about the past and the future leads us very difficult to live in the present and waisting our present life.
D. Stop worrying about things that are out of our control. Stop worrying about what people think about us, the end of the world, or even our own end/death. Instead give our worries to God and fully trust in Him and His care.
A. He is Almighty GOD: . Read Isaiah 41:8-10. here God says fear not because He is our God and He is with us, He will strengthen us and help us, and He will uphold us with His righteous right hand. Again in Is.41:14 says Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help help you, declares the Lord. God is able to help us and strengthen us, He is mighty and powerful. He is the everlasting God the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. (Is.40:28).
B. He is compassionate GOD: Isaiah 54: 10 says our God is a compassionate God what ever happened in the world His love towards us will not change, nor He remove His covenant of peace. So we no need to worry about our life a mighty and powerful God who is compassionate will help us. Read Psalms 46 also. (We can add all the attributes of God and expand it.).
A. He Daily Bears Our Burdens. Psalms 68:19 says, Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is not weary or tired in helping us. He helps us daily. Not one day, one month or some years but every day. Praise the Lord.
B. His Faithfulness Continues. Psalms 100:5 says, For the Lord is good and His love endures for ever; His faithfulness continues to all generations. He was good and faithful to our forefathers, He is good and faithful to us and He will be good and faithful to our children also.
C. He Never Leave Us Nor Forsake Us. Hebrews 13:5,6. God is able to take care of all our needs and no body is able to do anything against us. Finally Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Heb.13:8).
(Kindly read the other topics also. GOSPEL OF SALVATION.,CHRISTIAN By John Varghese.
All glory to God for enabling me to present a blog like this. Kindly pray for me and share it and give your comments for improvement in the coming days. If it is a blessing to you kindly inform me..God bless all of us.
I tank God 4 dis wonderful sermon, i am blessed already. May God continue 2 uphold u, beliv me wen i said, my spirit is lifted. Beloved! lets cast our burden & worries upon Jesus, he said come unto me all ye dat re labour & re heavy laden, i ll give u rest.
Thank you becky for the nice words, all the glory to Our saviour and Lord Jesus Christ who enabled me to write this much, do pray for me...
God led me to this post at just the right moment! Thank you for sharing these thoughts.
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