" The Dark Times "
This week I have had several emails from people who are discouraged and see no reason to keep trusting God -
they are literally ready to give up.
To them this is the darkest time of their life and they see no reason to keep doing what they have been doing,
they see no results...before you judge, I think we have all been there...it truly is a dark place.
I read Bryson a book this week about a caterpillar and a butterfly -
it talked about the dark, dark place a caterpillar lived just before he became a butterfly.
I have often thought about and even written about the life of a butterfly.
Not only are they in a dark place but a very confined place...just days before they fly.
Today the Lord kept talking to me about encouraging you to press on.
He wants me to remind you that it is often the darkest just before the dawn.
It is very often the darkest just before breakthrough.
It is in those times that the only thing that will stop your blessing is if you quit.
What would you lose to continue to trust God?
What would you lose to continue to believe that God wants to bless you?
What would you lose to continue to do the word of God and tithe and give?
What would you lose to just trust Him one more time?
On the other hand, what would you stand to lose if you choose to stop trusting Him now?
With God, even though He is working in your life every single day,
there always comes a day when the evidence that He was working all along is revealed - that day ALWAYS comes.
Think about Joseph, his life changed in an hour - from a prisoner to the second in command - in just a moment in time.
Remember, it was after God gave him a dream that his life became almost unbearable -
the darkest of dark is what he endured and he endured it for a long time.
He seemed totally forgotten and I am certain he thought he would die in that cold, dark, confined place called prison.
God fulfilled everything He said He would do.
Not one promise was left unfulfilled.
Throughout the Bible we see this over and over, God's people are given a dream or a promise -
then it seems as if the opposite is happening - but those who keep trusting God always see the fulfillment of that promise.
As my friend, Deborah, says;
you have to be willing to keep giving, even when you think you have nothing left to give,
even then if God asks you to give all you have, you have to give it...if He requires it once,
or twice, or three times...you have to keep giving.'
She says this of a time when God asked her to give all the money she had three separate times,
the last time she gave all she had and she had literally nothing left.
She stopped at the store and bought milk and bread on a credit card.
She called me and said 'something is wrong Kim, God has had me give my all and now I have nothing to even buy milk and bread with.'
The spirit of the Lord spoke to me and I said 'Deborah, don't you realize what you have done?
God has required you give Him your all and He is now required to give you His all.'
It is the law of seed time and harvest.
Since that day her life has been an adventure - one right after the other and this girl is loving life.
She was willing to give and give when she felt like she had nothing left to give.
She was willing to obey regardless of the number of times she was asked and now God is giving her His all.
Is it dark in your life?
Do you feel like you are in a dark, confined place with no way out?
If so, little butterfly, who thinks you are a caterpillar, I say to you, it is time for you to break out and fly.
This dark place will soon be forgotten as you mount up on strong and glorious wings,
flying to all you are destined to be.
This dark place is passing quickly and the time of flying is upon you - don't give up now.
Don't die in the dark place - you have a glorious destiny and God is urging you to trust Him one more time.
To believe Him one more time.
To obey Him one more time...this could very well be the time that you burst through and receive all you have believed for.
Joseph must have thought he missed God more times than he could count - but He didn't.
All God had spoken came to pass.
You have not missed God - all He has spoken will come to pass...unless you stop now...don't stop...
keep trusting and believing and you will see every single word He has spoken to you fulfilled in your life,
the dark place will be behind you and blue skies ahead...it's time to burst out and fly.
" Scriptures on Walking in Love "
When I walk in love, God is present.
1 John 4:12
Love has been perfected in me. As He is, so am I in this world.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out all fear.
1 John 4:17-18
God's love in me is sincere. I hate what is evil and cling to what is good.
Romans 12:9