Tuesday, November 29, 2011


By John Varghese.
A. God's basic law requires the shedding of blood for remission of sin. Hebrews 9:22 says, In fact the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
B. God's plan allowed 'substitution' of another life in the Old Testament. In Leviticus 1;4 we see, He is to lay his hands on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.
C. Hence sacrifice system developed. Gen 4:4 says, Abel brought fat portions from some of the first born of his flock. The Lord looked with favour on Abel and his offerings.

2. But This is Inadequate for Atonement:
a. Animal sacrifice was invalid. because animal do not have a soul. In Heb 10:4 we read, Because it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.
b. They are already God's so even an increased quantity cannot suffice. I Chronicles 29:14.
c. Sacrifice must be of the same kind and value.
A human sacrifice becomes a murder in man's sight and inadequate in God's sight. If a person is willing to die for me, can he pay for my sin? But each man is a sinner and under penalty. Even a holy man sacrificed equals only one man. He can save only one, if at all. But he can offer his body, not soul. Hence man can not redeem man!
3. In The New Testament:
a. Jesus Christ is the only adequate Redeemer.
b. He came from God to make atonement.
c. Prophecies prove it. Gen 3:15, 22:8.
    He is God. Is 7:14
    He is man. Is.53.
    He is eternal.
a. He is holy and hence not under penalty.
b. He was willing to offer himself, hence not a martyr.
c. He was both God and man, so he could equal man in kind(body) and degree(soul): and could offer His
d. As God, His soul had infinite value to atone for all the world.
e. Hence all can be saved through Him.

The Definition of Gospel: The Good News that God sent His son Jesus Christ to the world to give His life to save sinners from eternal punishment.
He is the only saviour.
hence we must either accept Christ's payment for our sins, which is already made: or pay for our sins ourselves in hell.
What do I do to accept Christ's payment for my sins and there by be saved? We must be born again and with the following SEVEN STEPS OF SALVATION  we will understand it.


I.  CONVICTION:  Conviction is that operation of the Spirit which produces within man, a sense of guilt and condemnation because of sin. The Holy Spirit and our own conscience causes us in to conviction. John 16:7-13 says that the Holy Spirit convicts us of Sin, of Righteousness, and of Judgement. Conviction is a scriptural term (John 8:9, Acts2:37)
A. Methods of conviction. For out side the church - The lives of believers. Matthew 5:16. For those inside the church - God's word Heb 4:12. And for all - through circumstances such as sickness, accidents, natural calamities and death of dear ones. The holy Spirit brings us face to face with eternity and convicts us of our failures. A person's mind is quickened to a consciousness of  his lost condition. The Holy Spirit reveals the truth of knowledge within us and give an insight  and understanding of our sinful nature,  God, Christ, Cross, the blood of Christ, the necessity of holiness in our life. The truth become personal, to awakening is added personal blame. Paul  realised  he was  the chief of sinners. David - Psalms 32;3-4, it is my sins which crucified Christ on the Cross.
B. Reactions of Conviction: Uneasiness in the presence of saints. Feel like every sermons  is directed to us,
can't look a saint in the eyes. Tendency to rationalise and argue; asking questions, the uneasy heart attempts to cover by questions and rationalisations. Example  woman of  Samaria John 4:16-20. efforts to reform ourselves - give up drinking or smoking. Lack of appetite, sleep. Extreme pounding of the heart during the alter call. Conviction can be stilled warning I Thes.5:19, quench not the spirit, by rejection, disobedience, putting it off.
C. Results of Conviction: Mental picture is formed of what to do - Remedy revealed - the way out is revealed
Conviction may be general or particular. The Lord may lay his finger on the sore spot to lead to purity and conversion. There is no relief until there is full obedience.

II. REPENTANCE: Repentance is a basic requirement for salvation, in Luke 13:3 Jesus says  Except ye repent, ye all shall likewise perish. In Matth.9:13 Jesus came to call to repentance. Repentance is an emotional grief accompanied by a moral change in views, disposition and conduct. It is a sorrow for sin - not just because you were caught. It is a sorrow for sin which leads to turning from and forsaking sin. A person sees sin as God sees it, hates sin as God hates it and turns from sin. It is not merely good resolutions - person gets sick, decides to go to church, live better. Not merely fear alone - Felix trembled but did not repent. Acts 24:25.Not merely religious feelings - unregenerate may have a change of attitude towards religion. Not merely regret - selfish sorrow when caught. Not remorse - sorrow without hope - Judas. It is Godly sorrow - a sorrow which turns from sin.

The Bible command us to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith is necessary for salvation. Eph.2:8 says by grace you are saved through faith. In Rom.1:17 says the just shall live by faith, this is Martin Luther's conversion verse and in Rom. 5:1 we see Justified by faith.The three ways of salvation presented by the religions of the world are Good works, that is we must do good works to out weigh our evil deeds. But the Bible says in Is. 64:6 Good works are as filthy rags. Then rites rituals and ceremonies, ideas that performance of some rite or ceremony in some mysterious way saves us. And finally Saving faith by Christ alone.
There are three different kinds of faith, General faith: A confidence in the reliability and trust worthiness of people and things. Every one has general faith. Then religious faith, it is faith in a set of religious beliefs - may believe in bible, Christ, salvation, Heaven and hell. Christian or non-christian. Finally Saving faith, it is the complete confidence in and acceptance of Christ as Saviour. Saving faith is that belief of the intellect, consent of the affections and act of the will by which the soul places itself  in the keeping of Christ for salvation. The mind, emotion and will is involved in saving faith.
When I believed in Jesus Christ in my mind I fully convinced of the divinity of Jesus Christ. He died and rose again from the dead - lives today that through His power there is a possibility of a new life of victory over sin and joy in the spirit. In Heb 11:6 says, He that come to god must believe that He is. There must be evidence for faith - without any proper basis it is presumption. We have confidence in Jesus as Saviour. A confidence in God's ability, Eph 3:20 - able to do abundantly above. Rom 10:17 - faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. A confidence of His willingness to save. When all evidence have been presented to the mind and heart God then commands us to believe, Acts 16:30 God has given us the ability to believe and commanded us to exercise it. The exercise of saving faith always results in the new birth.
a. Acts 16:31 - Believe and you shall be saved.
b. II Cor. 5:17 - He that is in Christ is a new creature.
c. John 20:31 - Believing - you might have life.

This is the great experience of the Gospel, a mystery - Christ in you and you are in Christ. Other names given in the Bible for this experience: the new birth, being born again, saved, redeemed..There are two books kept in heaven book of works - where all our deeds are recorded. Book of life - the record of the names of the redeemed. When a person accept Christ the record of his past sins are all erased Is.1:18, PS.103:12. When God forgives He forgets. My name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Then God adopts us into His family as His child/daughter and we got the great privilege of  son ship, heirs of God, confidence and love towards God.(Gal.3;26, Rom.8:17, Gal.4:6-7, Rom 1:15)
Regeneration is that mighty change brought in man by the Holy Spirit by which the dominion of sin had over him in his natural state is broken abolished and he serves God freely with a full choice of will and energy of right affection. It breaks the bondage and power of sin over us John 8:36, we become a whole new persons or new creature II Cor. 5:17. my heart bears witness that I have wholly obeyed God. There is no more condemnation Rom 8:1, The immediate fruit of the spirit ruling in heart Gal 5:22,23. Victory over sin, sense of fellowship with God and believers, love for the word of God and prayer.
The newly born believer is described as a new born babe I Cor 3:1, I Pet.2:2. A soldier who has just entered the army Eph.6: 11-18. A new recruit is not yest a soldier, new equipment for a christian soldier  Eph. 6:10-17. The necessity of growth , it is a law of nature either grow or die, no standing still. If a babe does not grow we are concerned. Natural growth necessitates enlargement, expansion of vision and knowledge. Growth physical, mental and spiritual is needed for us. Source of spiritual food for Christian Growth is the word of God, Prayer, Fellowship with other Christians. The source of spiritual exercise is Obedience, Praise, Testimony, submission to the word of God.                                                                            
Entire sanctification is that act of God received by faith after conversion where by the believers heart is cleansed from all sin and is filled with the Holy Spirit, empowering him for life and service. To fully understand this work of grace it must be experienced for spiritual things can only be known by experience. Holiness has been called the central idea of the Christian system and the crowning accomplishment of human charcter. Holiness is the Biblical requirement for a christian. Holiness required Heb 12;4, Eph 1:4. Holiness offered
I John 1:9, Heb.13:12. Holiness attainable Math.5:8, I Thes.5:23.

The first six steps deal with the salvation of the soul in this life. Glorification deals with the resurrection and salvation of the body. Not only is man's soul saved from destruction but the body also will be raised from the dead by the power of Christ. Read I Corinthians chapter 15. God bless all of us with these words.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Read these Bible Portions. Gen.22:1-24, 1 Peter 5:1-14, Phil. 4:1-7, Mathew 6:25-34.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

1. Cast all your anxiety/burdens.
2. On Him/God.
3. He cares for you

 INTRODUCTION:   We all have anxieties/worries/burdens in our life though the Bible says do not worry. Concerning  our life, when I get a good job, when I get marry and settle in nice home. What will I eat or drink?, what will I wear?  as mentioned in Math.6:25-34. Now a days it may be where I will park my car, where I find a  resting place or where I will sleep tonight. But we never think about the Lillis or lotus, not even about the birds or animals and the way God is taking care of them. It is must for we Christians  must stop worrying and trust fully in our good God. By worrying we can't do anything good to us but we harm ourselves by bringing many diseases in our body. We are limiting our life as mentioned in Mat.6:27. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life. God asks not to worry. By worrying we can't do anything good but still we worry. Even the Old Testament Fathers also worried. I want to give the example of Abraham. In Gen.12 we see that God called Abraham, he obeyed. God gave promises he believed at the age of 75 (Gen 12:4) he got the promised son  at the age of 100 (Gen 21:5) He waited a long time. In Gen 15:2 Abraham asks God what you given me I have no children. In Gen 17:5 God changed his name from Abram to Abraham and his wife's name from Sari to Sarah. Then God given the blessings and now he says he don't want Gen 17:8 Ishmael is enough but God said no and fulfilled His promise also. Abraham worried, he heard the advice of his wife and the problems are still continuing. God will bless us in His time, can we wait up on Him and for His time without worry/anxiety.

I. CAST ALL YOUR ANXIETIES:   It is amazing how some people who suffer a lot worry very little, while others who suffer little worry a lot. Jesus says, do not worry in Math.6:25, literally stop being anxious. Paul says do not be anxious about anything in Phil.4:6.
A. Dangers of worrying:  Physical. Medical experts says Ulcers, Headaches, Backaches, Blood pressure, Heart attacks, Depression are caused because  of anxiety/worry. Spiritual. We focus only on ourselves and find little time for Prayer, Bible Study and have fellowship with God and other believers. Social. It affects our attitude towards others. When we are anxious we may use harsh words to our friends and others without any reason. Someone said "worrying is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere".
B. Turn our worries into prayer then we have the peace of God. Lay our worries in His shoulders/Hands. Peter says cast all your anxieties on Him.. After giving your worries to Him don't worry yourselves again. Because He cares for you and He is able to take care of your worries also.
C. Live one day at a time Math. 6:34. Worry too much about the past and the future leads us very difficult to  live in the present and waisting our present life.
D. Stop worrying about things that are out of our control.  Stop worrying about what people think about us, the end of the world, or even our own end/death. Instead give our worries to God and fully trust in Him and His care.
A. He is Almighty GOD:  .  Read Isaiah 41:8-10. here God says fear not because He is our God and He is with us, He will strengthen us and help us, and He will uphold us with His righteous right hand. Again in Is.41:14 says Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help help you, declares the Lord. God is able to help us and strengthen us, He is mighty and powerful. He is the everlasting God the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. (Is.40:28).
B. He is compassionate GOD:  Isaiah 54: 10 says our God is a compassionate God what ever happened in the world His love towards us will not change, nor He remove His covenant of peace. So we no need to worry about our life a mighty and powerful God who is compassionate will help us. Read Psalms 46 also. (We can add all the attributes of God  and expand it.).

A.  He Daily Bears Our Burdens. Psalms 68:19 says, Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is not weary or tired in helping us. He helps us daily. Not one day, one month or some years but every day. Praise the Lord.

B.  His Faithfulness Continues.  Psalms 100:5 says, For the Lord is good and His love endures for ever; His faithfulness continues to all generations. He was good and faithful to our forefathers, He is good and faithful to us and He will be good and faithful to our children also.

C. He Never Leave Us Nor Forsake Us.  Hebrews 13:5,6. God is able to take care of all our needs and no body is able to do anything against us. Finally Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Heb.13:8).

(Kindly read the other topics also. GOSPEL OF SALVATION.,CHRISTIAN  By  John Varghese. 
  email: john_varghese68@yahoo.com/jv15560@gmail.com)